Harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) abundance within the Firth of Tay and Eden Estuary, Scotland: recent trends and extrapolation to extinction
Aerial surveys have detected alarming declines in counts of harbour seals in several regions
across Scotland. Demographic data and simple models were used to examine the recent …
across Scotland. Demographic data and simple models were used to examine the recent …
[PDF][PDF] Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm
I Cape - 2023 - marine.gov.scot
Inch Cape Offshore Limited (ICOL) has consent to develop an offshore wind farm (OWF) in
the outer Firth of Tay region within Scottish Territorial Waters (STW). The Development Area …
the outer Firth of Tay region within Scottish Territorial Waters (STW). The Development Area …
[PDF][PDF] D3. 3.3 Technical report biodiversity assessment-Methods for surveying marine mammal biodiversity around small islands.
S Ingram - 2014 - tethys.pnnl.gov
It is important that proposed renewable energy developments take into consideration
potential impacts on marine fauna. Of significant concern are the potential impacts on …
potential impacts on marine fauna. Of significant concern are the potential impacts on …
[PDF][PDF] Tait A (Adrian)(MARLAB)
FAOA Tait - marine.gov.scot
Thanks for the opportunity to comment on the supplementary environmental information
provided in support of the application for the abovea windfarm. While I am conscious that we …
provided in support of the application for the abovea windfarm. While I am conscious that we …
[PDF][PDF] Marine Mammal Scientific Support Research Programme MMSS/001/11
1 Executive summary The persistent decline in the abundance of harbour seals (Phoca
vitulina) in some regions of Scotland continues to be of concern. Following a workshop held …
vitulina) in some regions of Scotland continues to be of concern. Following a workshop held …