Challenges and research opportunities in ecommerce search and recommendations
With the rapid adoption of online shopping, academic research in the eCommerce domain
has gained traction. However, significant research challenges remain, spanning from classic …
has gained traction. However, significant research challenges remain, spanning from classic …
Asking clarifying questions in open-domain information-seeking conversations
Users often fail to formulate their complex information needs in a single query. As a
consequence, they may need to scan multiple result pages or reformulate their queries …
consequence, they may need to scan multiple result pages or reformulate their queries …
Towards conversational search and recommendation: System ask, user respond
Conversational search and recommendation based on user-system dialogs exhibit major
differences from conventional search and recommendation tasks in that 1) the user and …
differences from conventional search and recommendation tasks in that 1) the user and …
100,000 podcasts: A spoken English document corpus
Podcasts are a large and growing repository of spoken audio. As an audio format, podcasts
are more varied in style and production type than broadcast news, contain more genres than …
are more varied in style and production type than broadcast news, contain more genres than …
Response ranking with deep matching networks and external knowledge in information-seeking conversation systems
Intelligent personal assistant systems with either text-based or voice-based conversational
interfaces are becoming increasingly popular around the world. Retrieval-based …
interfaces are becoming increasingly popular around the world. Retrieval-based …
CC-News-En: A large English news corpus
We describe a static, open-access news corpus using data from the Common Crawl
Foundation, who provide free, publicly available web archives, including a continuous crawl …
Foundation, who provide free, publicly available web archives, including a continuous crawl …
Analysing mixed initiatives and search strategies during conversational search
Information seeking conversations between users and Conversational Search Agents
(CSAs) consist of multiple turns of interaction. While users initiate a search session, ideally a …
(CSAs) consist of multiple turns of interaction. While users initiate a search session, ideally a …
TREC 2020 podcasts track overview
The Podcast Track is new at the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) in 2020. The podcast
track was designed to encourage research into podcasts in the information retrieval and …
track was designed to encourage research into podcasts in the information retrieval and …
Asking clarifying questions based on negative feedback in conversational search
Users often need to look through multiple search result pages or reformulate queries when
they have complex information-seeking needs. Conversational search systems make it …
they have complex information-seeking needs. Conversational search systems make it …
IART: Intent-aware response ranking with transformers in information-seeking conversation systems
Personal assistant systems, such as Apple Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and
Microsoft Cortana, are becoming ever more widely used. Understanding user intent such as …
Microsoft Cortana, are becoming ever more widely used. Understanding user intent such as …