Personalized search by tag-based user profile and resource profile in collaborative tagging systems
With the increase of resource-sharing web sites such as YouTube1 and Flickr2,
personalized search becomes more important and challenging, as users demand higher …
personalized search becomes more important and challenging, as users demand higher …
Folksonomy-based personalized search by hybrid user profiles in multiple levels
Recently, some systems have allowed users to rate and annotate resources, eg, MovieLens,
and we consider that it provides a way to identify favorite and non-favorite tags of a user by …
and we consider that it provides a way to identify favorite and non-favorite tags of a user by …
Exploring personalized searches using tag-based user profiles and resource profiles in folksonomy
With the increase in resource-sharing websites such as YouTube and Flickr, many shared
resources have arisen on the Web. Personalized searches have become more important …
resources have arisen on the Web. Personalized searches have become more important …
Pattern-based causal relationships discovery from event sequences for modeling behavioral user profile in ubiquitous environments
This paper presents a novel and practical model for behavioral user profile modeling using
causal relationships. In this model, causal relationships, which represent the influence …
causal relationships. In this model, causal relationships, which represent the influence …
Personalized resource search by tag-based user profile and resource profile
With the increase of media-sharing web sites such as YouTube and Flickr, there are more
and more shared multimedia resources on the Web. Multimedia search becomes more …
and more shared multimedia resources on the Web. Multimedia search becomes more …
Efficient mean shift particle filter for sperm cells tracking
X Zhou, Y Lu - 2009 International Conference on …, 2009 -
Tracking of human sperm cells is a challenging task in computer vision due to the motion
uncertainty. In this paper, we propose an efficient and effective algorithm for sperm cells …
uncertainty. In this paper, we propose an efficient and effective algorithm for sperm cells …
[PDF][PDF] A review of trust-aware recommender systems based on graph theory
P Tselenti, K Danas - … of the First International Conference on …, 2014 -
The Web is currently characterised by user contribution. As a result, content is generated in
an uncontrolled way leading to the so-called “information overload”. The role of information …
an uncontrolled way leading to the so-called “information overload”. The role of information …
Modèles neuronaux de recommandation basés sur les folksonomies
TR Boudiba - 2022 -
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s' articulent principalement autour des folksonomies:
une structure de données collaborative ayant émergé avec le Web 2.0. Les besoins accrus …
une structure de données collaborative ayant émergé avec le Web 2.0. Les besoins accrus …
Approche temporelle pour la génération personnalisée de profils folksonomiques
TR Boudiba, R Ahmed-Ouamer - Document numerique, 2018 -
L'annotation collaborative offre aux utilisateurs la possibilité de décrire des ressources avec
des mots-clés (tags). Un tag décrit l'intérêt que l'utilisateur porte à une ressource …
des mots-clés (tags). Un tag décrit l'intérêt que l'utilisateur porte à une ressource …
A Collaborative Approach to User Modeling for Personalized Content Recommendations
HN Kim, I Ha, SH Lee, GS Jo - … and Ubiquitous Access to Information: 11th …, 2008 - Springer
Recommender systems, which have emerged in response to the problem of information
overload, provide users with recommendations of contents that are likely to fit their needs …
overload, provide users with recommendations of contents that are likely to fit their needs …