Exploring the Shari'ah economic learning model through virtual learning: Initiatives and challenges

N Nursaid, AI Haanurat… - Assyfa Journal of Islamic …, 2023 - journal.assyfa.com
The success of Sharia economics is contingent upon adhering to the principles of Islamic
economics in all its actions. Because of this, it is essential to get a complete understanding …

Implementasi Amaliyah Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah Dalam Mengatasi Perilaku Amoral Sebagai Upaya Pembentukan Akhlak Remaja

MZ Abidin, M Mispani, M Yusuf… - Assyfa Journal of …, 2023 - journal.assyfa.com
Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah (Aswaja) hingga saat ini masih menjadi tema pembahasan
yang unik dalam perspektif kajian akademik, sehingga tetap menarik untuk dikaji secara …

Identifying and solving Islamic religious education challenges for special needs children

WSS Pandia, A Drew - Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies, 2023 - journal.assyfa.com
To achieve strict compliance and devotion to Allah SWT, special needs children must get a
thorough Islamic education. Islam also has Rukhsah, which accommodates labourers who …

The fundamentals of Islamic religious education in inclusive schools meet special needs children's PAI issues

WSS Pandia, S Lee, S Khan - Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies, 2024 - journal.assyfa.com
Education is a profound and essential process that enables individuals to achieve success
in their social lives and various other domains. Designed specifically for children with …

Indonesian Vs. Thailand: The historicity of Muhammadiyah's" founding idea," what is the vision of Muhammadiyah's mission?

M Nurhakim, R Darmayanti… - Assyfa Journal of …, 2024 - journal.assyfa.com
In the early 2020s, this study examines the origins and ideas of the historicity of the
Muhammadiyah movement in Indonesia at the beginning of the 20th century. The focus is on …

Student growth, qualities, and abilities in developing religious ideals from childhood. Which approach works?

WSS Pandia, MA Naim… - Assyfa Journal of Islamic …, 2023 - journal.assyfa.com
It is well recognized that introducing religious principles during early life is crucial as it has
the potential to impact and mould a child's perception of truth. Children possess the capacity …

Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Web (E Learning) Pada Pembelajaran PAI

Z Arifin, AB Saputra, J Jaenullah - Assyfa Journal of …, 2023 - journal.assyfa.com
Pendidikan agama Islam yang merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran wajib pada sekolah,
mulai dari tingkat dasar (SD dan SMP) hingga sampai tingkat menengah (SMA dan SMK) …

PAI Teacher Strategies in Overcoming the Impact of Juvenile Delinquency Case Study at SMK N 3 Metro

AK Wahid, MZ Arifin - Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies, 2024 - journal.assyfa.com
The problem of problematic behavior in teenagers who are still in school is not only a
concern for parents and the community, but also raises concerns for educators in the school …

Fostering Noble Morals Through Example and Habituation (Case Study at TPA At-Thususniah)

D Asmawati, I Aziz, A Wijaya - Assyfa Journal of Islamic Studies, 2024 - journal.assyfa.com
Noble morals are commendable behavior that is important for every community to know,
practice and get used to. Based on this, the problem in this research is that at At-Thusuniah …

[引用][C] Media-assisted constructivist approach-based mathematics learning for inclusive schools improves concentration and memory

WSS Pandia, A Laudra, S Caw - Delta-Phi: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2023