[图书][B] Dominance and decline: Making sense of recent Canadian elections

E Gidengil - 2012 - books.google.com
Coming out of the 2000 Canadian federal election, the dominance of the Liberal Party
seemed assured. By 2011 the situation had completely reversed: the Liberals suffered a …

[图书][B] The new NDP: Moderation, modernization, and political marketing

D McGrane - 2019 - books.google.com
The New NDP is the definitive account of the evolution of the New Democratic Party's
political marketing strategy in the early twenty-first century. In 2011, the federal NDP …

[图书][B] Dynasties and interludes: past and present in Canadian electoral politics

L LeDuc, JH Pammett - 2016 - books.google.com
The Hill Times: Best Books of 2016 An overview of the history of elections and voting in
Canada, including minority governments, dynasties, and social movements. Dynasties and …

The two solitudes of Canadian nativism: Explaining the absence of a competitive anti‐immigration party in Canada

J Gordon, S Jeram… - Nations and Nationalism, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Canada has been celebrated in popular and academic work for its relative immunity to
nativist populism. No competitive nativist party has recently emerged in federal politics that …

Voting Behaviour in Canada: The State of the Discipline

E Gidengil - Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue …, 2022 - cambridge.org
This review surveys the literature on vote choice in Canada. It highlights key findings
regarding a variety of factors that influence Canadians' vote choice, while also suggesting …

Issue ownership of the economy: Cross-time effects on vote choice

É Bélanger, R Nadeau - West European Politics, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Issue ownership has become a useful concept for explaining party and voter behaviour in
electoral democracies. This article argues that issue ownership can also provide us with a …

State-Level Forecasts for the 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump Back with a Vengeance?

P Mongrain, R Nadeau, B Jérôme… - PS: Political Science & …, 2024 - cambridge.org
The outcome of the 2016 election made it abundantly clear that victory in US presidential
contests depends on the Electoral College much more than on direct universal suffrage. This …

Beyond nationalism and regionalism: The stability of economic voting in Canada

JF Daoust, R Dassonneville - Canadian Journal of Political Science …, 2018 - cambridge.org
Previous research has argued that while economic voting is quite consistently found to be
an important mechanism in the rest of Canada, it is rather weak in Quebec. Guérin and …

Le vote économique en contexte de crise financière: l'élection provinciale de 2008 au Québec

É Bélanger, F Gélineau - … of Political Science/Revue canadienne de …, 2011 - cambridge.org
En déclenchant une élection provinciale anticipée à l'automne 2008 en pleine crise
financière, le premier ministre du Québec, Jean Charest, fit le pari que la population réélirait …

Economic crisis, party competence and the economic vote

É Bélanger, R Nadeau - Acta Politica, 2014 - Springer
We look at economic voting during times of financial crisis using individual-level survey data
from the 2008 and 2011 Canadian Election Studies. We posit that in times of crisis, the …