[PDF][PDF] Ethics and machine translation

J Moorkens - … translation for everyone: Empowering users in the …, 2022 - library.oapen.org
Neural machine translation (MT) can facilitate communication in a way that surpasses
previous MT paradigms, but there are also consequences of its use. As with the …

Uberization of translation: Impacts on working conditions

G Fırat - The Journal of Internationalization and Localization, 2021 - jbe-platform.com
Digital labour platforms, encompassing on-demand translation work via apps and websites,
have grown exponentially in recent years and have significant consequences for translation …

[PDF][PDF] Electronic monitoring and surveillance in the workplace

K Ball - European Commission Joint Research …, 2021 - publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu
This report re-evaluates the literature about surveillance/monitoring in the standard
workplace, in home working during the COVID 19 pandemic and in respect of digital …

The impact of traditional and interactive post-editing on machine translation user experience, quality, and productivity

V Briva-Iglesias, S O'Brien… - Translation, Cognition & …, 2023 - jbe-platform.com
This paper presents a user study with 15 professional translators in the English-Spanish
combination. We present the concept of Machine Translation User Experience (MTUX) and …

Concurrent translation on collaborative platforms

J Gough, Ö Temizöz, G Hieke, L Zilio - Translation Spaces, 2023 - jbe-platform.com
The advent of AI-supported, cloud-based collaborative translation platforms has enabled a
new form of online collaborative translation–'concurrent translation'(CT). CT refers to …

Ethics in the translation industry

J Moorkens, M Rocchi - The Routledge handbook of translation …, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter focuses on ethical concerns experienced by different stakeholders in the
translation industry at various levels in translation production. These stakeholders' …

Because We're Worth It: Disentangling freelance translation, status, and rate-setting in the United Kingdom

J Lambert, C Walker - Translation Spaces, 2022 - jbe-platform.com
Rate-setting is a problematic area for newcomers to translation and established practitioners
alike. Survey data generally support the view that translators feel underpaid and that money …

[PDF][PDF] From responsibilities to responsibility: a study of the effects of translation workflow automation

S Herbert, F do Carmo, J Gough… - Journal of …, 2023 - jostrans.soap2.ch
This article studies the effects of automating a job allocation system, in a translation
company of approximately 130 employees. Perceptions of the effects of automation on roles …

Augmentation and translation crowdsourcing: Are collaborative translators' minds truly “augmented”?

MA Jiménez-Crespo - Translation, Cognition & Behavior, 2023 - jbe-platform.com
This paper critically discusses how crowdsourcing relate to the emergence of the so-called
translation augmentation paradigm. As a broad generalization, these two technology-driven …

The language engineer: a transversal, emerging role for the automation age

V Briva-Iglesias, S O'Brien - Quaderns de Filologia-Estudis Lingüístics, 2022 - turia.uv.es
El presente artículo analiza el papel de las traductoras en una industria que evoluciona
rápidamente por la digitalización y la automatización, y sugiere las habilidades y …