Динамика реологических и гематологических показателей крови у незрело-и зрелорождающихся животных в постнатальном онтогенезе: Автореф.… канд …

АВ Новожилов - 2009 - static.freereferats.ru
Защита состоится «9» июня 2009 года в 11 часов на заседании Диссертационного
совета по присуждению ученой степени кандидата наук (Д 002.127. 01) при …

Metabolik sendromlu sıçanlarda yüzme egzersizi ve detraining süreçlerinin hemoreolojik parametreler ve oksidatif strese etkisi

B Emik Özdemir - 2020 - gcris.pau.edu.tr
Metabolik sendrom (MetS); diyabet, kardiyovasküler hastalık ve erken ölüm riskini arttıran bir
endokrinopatolojik durumdur. MetS gelişimini engellemek, hastalığın kontrolünü sağlamak …

Intraday blood rheological changes induced by Ramadan fasting in sickle cell trait carriers

M Diaw, P Connes, A Samb, AK Sow… - Chronobiology …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The goal of the present study was to test whether fasting during the holy period of Ramadan
may disturb blood rheology in sickle cell trait (SCT) carriers more than in a group of subjects …

Показатели микроциркуляции и оценка механизмов регуляции тонуса сосудов кожи крыс в условиях модификации реологических свойств крови.

ЛА Михайличенко, ИА Тихомирова - Регионарное кровообращение …, 2012 - microcirc.ru
Аннотация Методом лазерной допплеровской флоуметрии показано, что в условиях
модификации реологических свойств крови с помощью декстранов возможно снижение …

[PDF][PDF] From exercise hamorheology to haemorheologic fitness

JF Brun, L Metz, D Cassan… - Boletim …, 2002 - jeanfrederic.brun.free.fr
Exercise has several hemorheological effects that we previously proposed to classify as a
triphasic phenomenon: acute effects (hyperviscosity mostly due to hemoconcentration but …

Red Blood Cell Aggregation Characterization: Using Norland Optical Adhesive Microfluidic Chips for a Reduction in Compliance

CJK Armstrong - 2020 - ruor.uottawa.ca
The presence of red blood cell (RBC) aggregation is confirmed to be a rheological
phenomenon implicating abnormal physiological conditions in vivo. However, there is …

[PDF][PDF] Unresolved issues in exercise hemorheology

JF Brun, E Varlet-Marie - Proc. Euro. Summ. School on …, 2003 - jeanfrederic.brun.free.fr
Exercise has several hemorheological effects that we previously proposed to classify as a
triphasic phenomenon: acute effects (hyperviscosity mostly due to hemoconcentration but …

Parameters of microcirculation and estimation of the mechanisms of cutaneous vessels tone under conditions of blood rheological properties modification in rats

LA Mikhajlichenko, IA Tihomirova - Regional blood circulation and …, 2012 - microcirc.ru
By method laser doppler flowmetry it is shown, that in conditions of infringement rheological
properties of blood with the help dextrans decrease blood flow and transit repeated increase …


榛沢和彦, 伊倉真衣子, 千葉寛 - Neurosonology: 神経超音波医学, 2021 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 Detection of high intensity transient signals (HITS) in the carotid artery was performed
as a screening for 463 employees of a general company (mean age 47.2 years). HITS was …