Developing human rights-based legal protection model on victims of child trafficking in Indonesia

S Eviningrum, M Jamin - … on Globalization of Law and Local …, 2019 -
Human traficking is a crime resulted from social disorganization and social crimes, such as
industrialization, social change and modernization. Social change causes women and …

Asesmen Terpadu: Penerapan Restorative Justice Penanggulangan Kejahatan Narkotika Di Indonesia

N Huda, Y Saefuddin, SW Gumira… - Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2020 -
Asesmen Terpadu merupakan strategi untuk mengefektifkan penegakan tindak pidana
narkotika dengan menekan angka permintaan melalui upaya rehabilitasi bagi pecandu dan …

The Development of Corruption in Indonesia (is Corruption a Culture of Indonesia?)

A Mukartono, M Rustamaji - … on Globalization of Law and Local …, 2019 -
The problem of corruption in Indonesia continues to be headlines almost every day in the
Indonesian media. Even after the New Order's authoritarian regime collapsed, it was clear …

The Role of Indonesian Honorary Council of Medical Discipline in Upholding Indonesian Medical Code of Ethics

PB Murdi, WT Novianto - … on Globalization of Law and Local …, 2019 -
The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of Indonesian Honorary Council of Medical
Discipline in upholding the Indonesian medical code of ethics which in carrying out its duties …

Impact of the Indonesia Australia Free Trade Agreement

M Niami, A Sulistiyono, P Pujiono… - … on Globalization of …, 2019 -
Globalization requires the state's readiness to compete with its neighbors. Free trade arises
as a result of the globalization tradition which removes barriers between the two. Indonesia …

Implementation of Rehabilitation for Drug Addicts Based on Law Number 35 of 2009 on Narcotics in Jakarta

R Purwanto, F Santiago, A Sitepu - … Conference, MIC 2021, October 30 2021 …, 2022 -
Indonesia is a state subject to law which is regulated by an evenhanded law. This obligation
is contained in Article 1 entry (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which …

Perlindungan Hukum Justice Collaborator pada Tindak Pidana Narkotika di Polresta Sidoarjo

MF Abdillah, H Sulistiyantoro - … Journal of Law …, 2023 -
In its implementation, the rules regarding justice collaborators are interpreted differently and
appear to be trivialized by law enforcers, giving rise to uncertainty and the principle of legal …

Rehabilitasi Sebagai Pemenuhan Restorative Justice Terhadap Penyalahgunaan Narkotika di BNN Kabupaten Tana Toraja

IS Panggalo, YM Rombeallo - UNES Law Review, 2024 -
Narcotics rehabilitation is an effort to free narcotics users from the trap of addiction to
narcotics abuse. In the concept of restorative justice, someone who commits a crime does …

Optimalisasi Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Dalam Pendidikan Menuju Generasi Emas Pada Guru dan Orangtua Peserta Didik di SD Kestalan Surakarta

O Handini, M Mustofa - Adi Widya: Jurnal Pengabdian …, 2020 -
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupa penyampaian paparan materi Optimalisasi
Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Dalam Pendidikan menuju Generasi Emas Pada Guru dan …

Pancasila as the Highest Legal Source and Inspiration for Other Countries in the World

B Hasan - 3rd International Conference on Globalization of …, 2019 -
Abstract Based on Article 7 paragraph (1) of Law No. 12 of 2011 concerning the
Establishment of Regulations which is actually the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of …