Chaos and hyperchaos in the fractional-order Rössler equations

C Li, G Chen - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2004 - Elsevier
The dynamics of fractional-order systems have attracted increasing attentions in recent
years. In this paper, we numerically study the chaotic behaviors in the fractional-order …

An observer looks at synchronization

H Nijmeijer, IMY Mareels - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and …, 1997 -
In the literature on dynamical systems analysis and the control of systems with complex
behavior, the topic of synchronization of the response of systems has received considerable …

Chaotic dynamics of the fractional-order Lü system and its synchronization

JG Lu - Physics Letters A, 2006 - Elsevier
In this Letter we numerically investigate the chaotic behaviors of the fractional-order Lü
system. A striking finding is that the lowest order for this system to have chaos is 0.3, which is …

Algorithms for finding hidden oscillations in nonlinear systems. The Aizerman and Kalman conjectures and Chua's circuits

VO Bragin, VI Vagaitsev, NV Kuznetsov… - Journal of Computer and …, 2011 - Springer
An algorithm for searching hidden oscillations in dynamic systems is developed to help
solve the Aizerman's, Kalman's and Markus-Yamabe's conjectures well-known in control …

The control of chaos: theoretical schemes and experimental realizations

FT Arecchi, S Boccaletti, M Ciofini… - … Journal of Bifurcation …, 1998 - World Scientific
Controlling chaos is a process wherein an unstable periodic orbit embedded in a chaotic
attractor is stabilized by means of tiny perturbations of the system. These perturbations imply …

[图书][B] Nonlinear noninteger order circuits and systems: an introduction

P Arena - 2000 -
In this book, the reader will find a theoretical introduction to noninteger order systems, as
well as several applications showing their features and peculiarities. The main definitions …

Chaotic behavior in noninteger-order cellular neural networks

P Arena, L Fortuna, D Porto - Physical Review E, 2000 - APS
In this paper, a simple system showing chaotic behavior is introduced. It is based on the well-
known concept of cellular neural networks (CNNs), which have already given good results in …

Harmonic balance analysis of period-doubling bifurcations with implications for control of nonlinear dynamics

A Tesi, EH Abed, R Genesio, HO Wang - Automatica, 1996 - Elsevier
The harmonic balance method is applied to the analysis of period-doubling bifurcations in a
general class of nonlinear feedback systems. Compact conditions for the prediction and …

[图书][B] Cellular neural networks: dynamics and modelling

A Slavova - 2003 -
Conventional digital computation methods have run into a se rious speed bottleneck due to
their serial nature. To overcome this problem, a new computation model, called Neural …

Stabilizing unstable periodic orbits in a fast diode resonator using continuous time-delay autosynchronization

DJ Gauthier, DW Sukow, HM Concannon, JES Socolar - Physical Review E, 1994 - APS
Fast chaotic dynamics in a diode resonator are controlled using a continuous feedback
scheme proposed by Pyragas [Phys. Lett. A 181, 203 (1993)]. The resonator is driven by a …