[HTML][HTML] Quantum thermodynamic devices: From theoretical proposals to experimental reality

NM Myers, O Abah, S Deffner - AVS quantum science, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
Thermodynamics originated in the need to understand novel technologies developed by the
Industrial Revolution. However, over the centuries, the description of engines, refrigerators …

Optimal control of quantum thermal machines using machine learning

I Khait, J Carrasquilla, D Segal - Physical Review Research, 2022 - APS
We develop a deep learning (DL) framework assisted by differentiable programming for
discovery of optimal quantum control protocols under hard constraints. To that end, we use …

Speed-ups to isothermality: Enhanced quantum thermal machines through control of the system-bath coupling

N Pancotti, M Scandi, MT Mitchison, M Perarnau-Llobet - Physical Review X, 2020 - APS
Isothermal transformations are minimally dissipative but slow processes, as the system
needs to remain close to thermal equilibrium along the protocol. Here, we show that …

Quantum signatures in the quantum Carnot cycle

R Dann, R Kosloff - New Journal of Physics, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
The Carnot cycle combines reversible isothermal and adiabatic strokes to obtain optimal
efficiency, at the expense of a vanishing power output. Quantum Carnot-analog cycles are …

Geometric properties of adiabatic quantum thermal machines

B Bhandari, PT Alonso, F Taddei, F Von Oppen… - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
We present a general unified approach for the study of quantum thermal machines,
including both heat engines and refrigerators, operating under periodic adiabatic driving …

Many-body quantum heat engines with shortcuts to adiabaticity

A Hartmann, V Mukherjee, W Niedenzu… - Physical Review …, 2020 - APS
Quantum heat engines are modeled by thermodynamic cycles with quantum-mechanical
working media. Since high engine efficiencies require adiabaticity, a major challenge is to …

Concepts of work in autonomous quantum heat engines

W Niedenzu, M Huber, E Boukobza - Quantum, 2019 - quantum-journal.org
One of the fundamental questions in quantum thermodynamics concerns the decomposition
of energetic changes into heat and work. Contrary to classical engines, the entropy change …

Shortcut-to-adiabaticity quantum Otto refrigerator

O Abah, M Paternostro, E Lutz - Physical Review Research, 2020 - APS
We investigate the performance of a quantum Otto refrigerator operating in finite time and
exploiting local counterdiabatic techniques. We evaluate its coefficient of performance and …

Quantum finite-time thermodynamics: insight from a single qubit engine

R Dann, R Kosloff, P Salamon - Entropy, 2020 - mdpi.com
Incorporating time into thermodynamics allows for addressing the tradeoff between
efficiency and power. A qubit engine serves as a toy model in order to study this tradeoff …

Work as an external quantum observable and an operational quantum work fluctuation theorem

K Beyer, K Luoma, WT Strunz - Physical Review Research, 2020 - APS
We propose a definition of externally measurable quantum work in driven systems. Work is
given as a quantum observable on a control device which is forcing the system and can be …