Applications of agent-based systems in intelligent manufacturing: An updated review

W Shen, Q Hao, HJ Yoon, DH Norrie - Advanced engineering …, 2006 - Elsevier
Agent technology has been recognized as a promising paradigm for next generation
manufacturing systems. Researchers have attempted to apply agent technology to …

The state of the art in ontology design: A survey and comparative review

NF Noy, CD Hafner - AI magazine, 1997 -
In this article, we develop a framework for comparing ontologies and place a number of the
more prominent ontologies into it. We have selected 10 specific projects for this study …

Knowledge engineering: Principles and methods

R Studer, VR Benjamins, D Fensel - Data & knowledge engineering, 1998 - Elsevier
This paper gives an overview of the development of the field of Knowledge Engineering over
the last 15 years. We discuss the paradigm shift from a transfer view to a modeling view and …

[图书][B] Базы знаний интеллектуальных систем

ТА Гаврилова, ВФ Хорошевский - 2000 -
Учебник для технических вузов по входящим в различные дисциплины вопросам
разработки интеллектуальных систем–развивающейся области информатики …

[图书][B] Ontological Engineering: with examples from the areas of Knowledge Management, e-Commerce and the Semantic Web

A Gómez-Pérez, M Fernández-López, O Corcho - 2006 -
Ontological Engineering refers to the set of activities that concern the ontology development
process, the ontology life cycle, the methods and methodologies for building ontologies, and …

What are ontologies, and why do we need them?

B Chandrasekaran, JR Josephson… - … Systems and their …, 1999 -
What are ontologies, and why do we need them? Page 1 B. Chandrasekaran and John R.
Josephson, Ohio State University V. Richard Benjamins, University of Amsterdam EORIES …

[图书][B] Ontologies

D Fensel, D Fensel - 2001 - Springer
Ontologies were developed in Artificial Intelligence to facilitate knowledge sharing and
reuse. Since the beginning of the nineties ontologies have become a popular research topic …

Overview of knowledge sharing and reuse components: Ontologies and problem-solving methods

A Gómez-Pérez, R Benjamins - 1999 -
Ontologies and problem-solving methods are promising candidates for reuse in Knowledge
Engineering. Ontologies define domain knowledge at a generic level, while problem-solving …

Dimensions of knowledge sharing and reuse

MA Musen - Computers and biomedical research, 1992 - Elsevier
Many workers in medical informatics are seeking to reuse knowledge in new applications
and to share encoded knowledge across software environments. Knowledge reuse involves …

OIL in a nutshell

D Fensel, I Horrocks, F Van Harmelen, S Decker… - … Methods, Models, and …, 2000 - Springer
Currently computers are changing from single isolated devices into entry points into a
worldwide network of information exchange and business transactions. Support in data …