Micoorganisms and Methods for the Production of Fatty Acids and Fatty Acid Derived Products

H Liao, E Spindler, JR Warner, M Louie… - US Patent App. 13 …, 2014 - Google Patents
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0007 According to one embodiment, the invention is
directed to a method for producing a fatty acid or fatty acid derived product including but not …

Microorganisms and methods for the production of fatty acids and fatty acid derived products

M Lynch, M Louie, S Copley, E Spindler… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
2016-01-14 Assigned to OPX BIOTECHNOLOGIES, INC. reassignment OPX

Microorganisms and methods for the production of fatty acids and fatty acid derived products

M Lynch, M Louie, S Copley, E Spindler… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents
This invention relates to metabolically engineered microorganism strains, such as bacterial
strains, in which there is an increased utilization of malonyl-CoA for production of a fatty acid …

Synthesis of isoprenoids and derivatives

R Gonzalez, JM Clomburg, S Cheong - US Patent 11,046,978, 2021 - Google Patents
2018-11-26 Assigned to WILLIAM MARSH RICE UNIVERSITY reassignment WILLIAM

Microbial synthesis of isoprenoid precursors, isoprenoids and derivatives including prenylated aromatics compounds

R Gonzalez, JM Clomburg, S Cheong - 2017 - Google Patents
ZSLZBFCDCINBPY-ZSJPKINUSA-N acetyl-CoA Chemical compound O [C@@ H] 1 [C@
H](OP (O)(O)= O)[C@@ H](COP (O)(= O) OP (O)(= O) OCC (C)(C)[C@@ H](O) C (= O) …

Type II fatty acid synthesis enzymes in reverse β-oxidation

R Gonzalez, JM Clomburg - US Patent 10,450,593, 2019 - Google Patents
This disclosure describes enzymes from the type II (a discrete set of enzymes) fatty acid
synthesis (“FAS”) pathway that can be used in combination with thiolases to operate a …

Bioconversion of short-chain hydrocarbons to fuels and chemicals

R Gonzalez, J Clomburg, C Alexander - US Patent 11,913,049, 2024 - Google Patents
An engineered microorganism (s) with novel pathways for the conversion of short-chain
hydrocarbons to fuels and chemicals (eg carboxylic acids, alcohols, hydrocarbons, and their …

Genetically modified cells that produce C6-C10 fatty acid derivatives

HH Liao, CB Poor, TR Wolter, MTM Louie… - US Patent …, 2022 - Google Patents
Genes encoding mutant 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthases are introduced into host cells. Certain of
the mutants enhance the production of shorter-chain fatty acids and derivatives by the cell …

Therapy for mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation and transport disorders

AWA Mohsen, G Vockley - US Patent 11,077,105, 2021 - Google Patents
Methods of treating mitochondrial fatty acid b-oxidation and/or transport disorders arising
from mutant proteins in the mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation and transport metabolic …

Acetyl-CoA carboxylases

H Liao, CP Mercogliano, TR Wolter… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
The present invention provides various combinations of genetic modifications to a
transformed host cell that provide increase conversion of carbon to a chemical product. The …