A foreign policy analysis perspective on the domestic politics turn in IR theory

J Kaarbo - International Studies Review, 2015 - academic.oup.com
Over the last 25 years, there has been a noteworthy turn across major International
Relations (IR) theories to include domestic politics and decision-making factors …

Personality and foreign policy: Tony Blair's Iraq decisions

SB Dyson - Foreign policy analysis, 2006 - academic.oup.com
Abstract The British choice in Iraq has been characterized as “Tony Blair's War,” with many
believing that the personality and leadership style of the prime minister played a crucial part …

[图书][B] The president and his inner circle: Leadership style and the advisory process in foreign policy making

T Preston - 2001 - degruyter.com
My fascination with presidential personality began with an initial exposure to Alexander and
Juliette George's (1964) classic study of Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House. This text …

[图书][B] Understanding public leadership

P t Hart, L Tummers - 2014 - Springer
Yes, this is another book about leadership. I apologize. And to tell you the truth it has been
extremely hard to convince myself that the world really needed one, and that I had …

Coalition cabinet decision making: Institutional and psychological factors

J Kaarbo - International Studies Review, 2008 - academic.oup.com
This essay reviews the intersection between institutional and psychological conditions that
occurs in multiparty coalition cabinets and the effects on foreign policy and decision making …

Leadership styles of prime ministers: How individual differences affect the foreign policymaking process

J Kaarbo, MG Hermann - The Leadership Quarterly, 1998 - Elsevier
Much of the literature linking leadership style to foreign policy decision making has focused
on American presidents. This article explores with what success such literature can be …

Thinking about the role of religion in foreign policy: A framework for analysis

CM Warner, SG Walker - Foreign Policy Analysis, 2011 - academic.oup.com
The article outlines a framework for the analysis of religion and foreign policy. Despite the
increased attention to religion in international relations, questions remain. Particularly …

[图书][B] Domestic role contestation, foreign policy, and international relations

C Cantir, J Kaarbo - 2016 - books.google.com
Despite the increase in the number of studies in international relations using concepts from
a role theory perspective, scholarship continues to assume that a state's own expectations of …

Comparing caveats: understanding the sources of national restrictions upon NATO's mission in Afghanistan

SM Saideman, DP Auerswald - International Studies Quarterly, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Abstract The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is the most robust and deeply
institutionalized alliance in the modern world, yet it has faced significant problems in running …

Democratic leaders and the democratic peace: The operational codes of Tony Blair and Bill Clinton

M Schafer, SG Walker - International Studies Quarterly, 2006 - academic.oup.com
Do the beliefs of leaders make a significant difference in determining if democracies are
peaceful and explaining why democracies (almost) never fight one another? Our …