Water variability and the economic impacts on small-scale farmers. A farm risk-based integrated modelling approach

FJ Fernández, RD Ponce, M Blanco, D Rivera… - Water resources …, 2016 - Springer
Strengthening the planning of hydrological resources to optimize the use of water in
agriculture is a key adaptation measure of the Chilean agricultural sector to cope with future …

Watersheds are not static: Implications of climate variability and hydrologic dynamics in modeling

E Munoz, JL Arumi, D Rivera - Revista Bosque, 2013 - revistabosque.org
Demands on the world's freshwater continue to grow as the global population increases,
demanding more efficiency in water resources planning and management. Therefore, better …

[PDF][PDF] Análisis de vulnerabilidad hídrica

MA Arias, D en Ciencias - cartografo.cl
Numerosos impactos sobre los servicios ecosistémicos han sido producidos por cambios en
el uso o cobertura de la tierra, posicionándolos como uno de los principales factores que …

[HTML][HTML] Las cuencas no son estacionarias: implicancias de la variabilidad climática y dinámicas hidrológicas en la modelación

E Muñoz, JL Arumí, D Rivera - Bosque (Valdivia), 2013 - SciELO Chile
Demands on the world's freshwater continue to grow as the global population increases,
demanding more efficiency in water resources planning and management. Therefore, better …

Economic effects of climate change on agriculture: multi-scale assessment through regional mathematical programming models

F Fernández Jorquera - 2017 - oa.upm.es
Assessing the economic effects of climate change on agriculture implies identifying and
analysing biophysical and socio-economic aspects (Blanco et al., 2014b). To address this …

[PDF][PDF] Economic effects of climate change on agriculture: multi-scale assessment through regional mathematical programming models

FF Jorquera - 2017 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Assessing the economic effects of climate change on agriculture implies identifying and
analysing biophysical and socio-economic aspects (Blanco et al., 2014b). To address this …

[引用][C] Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad hídrica de la cuenca del río muco ante futuros escenarios de expansión forestal

SA Ormazábal Madrid - 2020 - Universidad de Concepción.