Solving dynamic stochastic economic models by mathematical programming decomposition methods
M Esteban-Bravo, FJ Nogales - Computers & operations research, 2008 - Elsevier
Discrete-time optimal control problems arise naturally in many economic problems. Despite
the rapid growth in computing power and new developments in the literature, many …
the rapid growth in computing power and new developments in the literature, many …
[PDF][PDF] Comparing numerical solutions of models with heterogeneous agents (Model A): a simulation-based parameterized expectations algorithm
Comparing numerical solutions of models with heterogeneous agents (Model A): a
simulation - based parameterized expectations alg Page 1 Comparing numerical solutions …
simulation - based parameterized expectations alg Page 1 Comparing numerical solutions …
A decomposition method to deflate the curse of dimensionality for dynamic stochastic models
M Esteban-Bravo, FJ Nogales - Computers and Operations …, 2007 -
Computing equilibria in dynamic stochastic economies is still a technically difficult task.
Economists are aware of the so-call curse of dimensionality and the limits placed on the …
Economists are aware of the so-call curse of dimensionality and the limits placed on the …
[PDF][PDF] Reducing the curse of dimensionality in dynamic stochastic economic problems by decomposition methods
M Esteban-Bravo, FJ Nogales -
Despite the rapid growth in computing power and new developments in the literature on
numerical dynamic programming, many economic problems are still quite challenging to …
numerical dynamic programming, many economic problems are still quite challenging to …