On some classes of limit cycles of planar dynamical systems

A Grin, KR Schneider - 2005 - wias-berlin.de
We consider two-dimensional smooth vector fields $ dx/dt= P (x, y), dy/dt= Q (x, y) $ and
estimate the maximal number of limit cycles with special properties which are defined by …

[PDF][PDF] Dulac-Cherkas functions for generalized Liénard systems

A Grin, KR Schneider, L Cherkas - Electronic Journal of Qualitative …, 2011 - real.mtak.hu
Dulac-Cherkas functions can be used to derive an upper bound for the number of limit
cycles of planar autonomous differential systems including criteria for the non-existence of …

[PDF][PDF] Quadratic systems with limit cycles of normal size

C Leonid, A Joan, L Jaume - Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii …, 2003 - ibn.idsi.md
In the class of planar autonomous quadratic polynomial differential systems we provide 6
different phase portraits having exactly 3 limit cycles surrounding a focus, 5 of them have a …

[HTML][HTML] On the construction of a class of generalized Kukles systems having at most one limit cycle

AA Grin, KR Schneider - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2013 - Elsevier
Consider the class of systems dxdt= y, dydt=− x+ μ∑ j= 0 3 hj (x, μ) yj depending on the real
parameter μ. We are concerned with the inverse problem: How to construct the functions hj …

Limit cycle function of the second kind for autonomous systems on the cylinder

LA Cherkas, AA Grin' - Differential equations, 2011 - Springer
The earlier-developed approach to the solution of the problem of estimating the number of
limit cycles and their localization for autonomous systems on the plane with the use of Dulac …

On a Dulac function for the Kukles system

LA Cherkas, AA Grin' - Differential equations, 2010 - Springer
To estimate the number and location of limit cycles of Kukles systems in a strip of the phase
plane xOy, we develop a method for constructing the Dulac function in the form of a …

[PDF][PDF] On the approximation of the limit cycles function.

L Cherkas, A Grin, KR Schneider - Electronic Journal of Qualitative …, 2007 - eudml.org
Our key assumptions with resp ect to the extended system (1. 2) are the following ones.(A2).
There isa smooth functional m: dom m C Ω→ I such that system (1. 2) has an invariant …

Bendixson-Dulac criterion and reduction to global uniqueness in the problem of estimating the number of limit cycles

LA Cherkas, AA Grin' - Differential Equations, 2010 - Springer
For autonomous systems on the real plane, we develop a regular method for localizing and
estimating the number of limit cycles surrounding the unique singular point. The method is to …

A Precise Estimate of the Number of Limit Cycles of Autonomous Systems on the Plane.

LA Cherkas - Differential Equations, 2003 - search.ebscohost.com
Discusses a precise estimate of the number of limit cycles of autonomous systems on the
plane. Method for estimating the number of limit cycles of the system with the use of a …

An Estimate of the Number of Limit Cycles via Critical Points of Conditional Extremum.

LA Cherkas - Differential Equations, 2003 - search.ebscohost.com
The article presents calculations on an estimate of the number of Limit Cycles via critical
points of Conditional Extremum. The minimum is taken with respect to the phase variables …