Deep learning approaches in topics of singing information processing
Singing, the vocal productionof musical tones, is one of the most important elements of
music. Addressing the needs of real-world applications, the study of technologies related to …
music. Addressing the needs of real-world applications, the study of technologies related to …
[PDF][PDF] Vocals in Music Matter: the Relevance of Vocals in the Minds of Listeners.
In music information retrieval, we often make assertions about what features of music are
important to study, one of which is vocals. While the importance of vocals in music …
important to study, one of which is vocals. While the importance of vocals in music …
Musical performance in adolescents with ADHD, ADD and dyslexia—Behavioral and neurophysiological aspects
Research has shown that dyslexia and attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder (AD (H) D)
are characterized by specific neuroanatomical and neurofunctional differences in the …
are characterized by specific neuroanatomical and neurofunctional differences in the …
Lexical tone recognition in noise in normal-hearing children and prelingually deafened children with cochlear implants
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate Mandarin tone recognition in
background noise in children with cochlear implants (CIs), and to examine the potential …
background noise in children with cochlear implants (CIs), and to examine the potential …
The neural basis of vocal pitch imitation in humans
Vocal imitation is a phenotype that is unique to humans among all primate species, and so
an understanding of its neural basis is critical in explaining the emergence of both speech …
an understanding of its neural basis is critical in explaining the emergence of both speech …
A mechanism for sensorimotor translation in singing: The Multi-Modal Imagery Association (MMIA) model
PQ Pfordresher, AR Halpern… - Music Perception: An …, 2015 -
We propose a new framework to understand singing accuracy, based on multi-modal
imagery associations: the MMIA model. This model is based on recent data suggesting a link …
imagery associations: the MMIA model. This model is based on recent data suggesting a link …
Pitch perception and production in congenital amusia: Evidence from Cantonese speakers
This study investigated pitch perception and production in speech and music in individuals
with congenital amusia (a disorder of musical pitch processing) who are native speakers of …
with congenital amusia (a disorder of musical pitch processing) who are native speakers of …
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder are impaired in absolute but not relative pitch and duration matching in speech and song imitation
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often exhibit atypical imitation. However,
few studies have identified clear quantitative characteristics of vocal imitation in ASD. This …
few studies have identified clear quantitative characteristics of vocal imitation in ASD. This …
Syllable structure universals and native language interference in second language perception and production: Positional asymmetry and perceptual links to …
B Cheng, Y Zhang - Frontiers in psychology, 2015 -
The present study investigated how syllable structure differences between the first
Language (L1) and the second language (L2) affect L2 consonant perception and …
Language (L1) and the second language (L2) affect L2 consonant perception and …
Theoretical perspectives on singing accuracy: an introduction to the special issue on singing accuracy (Part 1)
PQ Pfordresher, SM Demorest, SD Bella… - Music Perception: An …, 2015 - JSTOR
OVER THE YEARS, PARTICULARLY IN THE PAST few years, diverse theoretical
approaches have been proposed to account for singing ability and its individual differences …
approaches have been proposed to account for singing ability and its individual differences …