A new way to divide and conquer

A Tiskin - Parallel Processing Letters, 2001 - World Scientific
Valiant's model of bulk-synchronous parallel (BSP) computation does not allow the
programmer to synchronize a subset, rather than the complete set of a parallel computer's …

[PDF][PDF] Approches fonctionnelles de la programmation parallèle et des méta-ordinateurs. Sémantiques, implantations et certification.

F Gava - 2005 - theses.hal.science
Certains problèmes nécessitent des performances que seules les machines massivement
parallèles ou les méta-ordinateurs peuvent offrir. L'écriture d'algorithmes pour ce type de …

A calculus for parallel computations over multidimensional dense arrays

R Di Cosmo, Z Li, S Pelagatti - Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, 2007 - Elsevier
We present a calculus to formalize and give costs to parallel computations over
multidimensional dense arrays. The calculus extends a simple distribution calculus …

[PDF][PDF] Semantics and implementation of minimally synchronous parallel ML

F Loulergue, F Gava, M Arapinis, F Dabrowski - International Journal of …, 2004 - lacl.fr
This paper presents a new functional parallel language: Minimally Synchronous Parallel ML
(MSPML). The execution time can be estimated, dead-locks and indeterminism are avoided …

[PDF][PDF] Mspml: Environnements de communication et tolérance au pannes

A Belbekkouche - Mémoire de master de recherche en …, 2005 - researchgate.net
Résumé Certains problemes nécessitent des performances que seules les machines
massivement paralleles peuvent offrir. Leur programmation demeure néanmoins difficile …

Communication Primitives for Minimally Synchronous Parallel ML

F Loulergue - International Conference on Computational Science, 2004 - Springer
Abstract Minimally Synchronous Parallel ML is a functional parallel language whose
execution time can then be estimated and dead-locks and indeterminism are avoided …

[PDF][PDF] Semantics of Minimally Synchronous Parallel ML.

M Arapinis, F Loulergue, F Gava, F Dabrowski - SNPD, 2003 - lsv.ens-cachan.fr
This paper presents a new functional parallel language: Minimally Synchronous Parallel ML.
The execution time can then be estimated and dead-locks and indeterminism are avoided. It …

Bulk‐Synchronous Parallelism: An Emerging Paradigm of High‐Performance Computing

A Tikin - High‐Performance Computing: Paradigm and …, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter contains sections titled: The BSP Model BSP Programming Conclusion
Reference Parallel computers are a powerful tool of modern science and engineering. A …

Composition parallele pour MSPML

R Benheddi, F Loulergue - Journées Francophones des Langages …, 2006 - hal.science
Cet article présente l'ajout, à un langage fonctionnel parallèle appelé Minimally
Synchronous Parallel ML (MSPML), d'une primitive pour la composition parallèle, appelée …

[PDF][PDF] The Mspml version 0.2 Reference Manual

F Loulergue - 2004 - Citeseer
Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) computing is a parallel programming model introduced by
Valiant [27, 21, 26] to offer a high degree of abstraction in the same way as PRAM models …