The principal's role as education supervisor in improving teacher professionalism

C Amelia, A Aprilianto, D Supriatna… - Nidhomul Haq …, 2022 -
Professional teachers are not only required to master the fields of science, teaching
materials, learning methods, and student motivation. They have high skills and broad insight …

Optimizing Islamic Education Towards the Golden Era of Indonesia

MA Budiarto, UH Salsabila - Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal …, 2022 -
Optimizing Islamic education plays an important role in preparing Indonesian citizens to
excel in quality in terms of education in welcoming Indonesia's golden era. Optimizing …

Application of the CIPP model in evaluation of The inclusive education curriculum in Madrasah Aliyah

A Agus, M Juliadharma… - Nidhomul Haq: Jurnal …, 2023 -
This research aims to measure the quality of implementation of the inclusive education
curriculum using the CIPP evaluation model (context, Input, Process, and Product) at …

Management of Character Education Based on Local Wisdom

EA Haq, I Wasliman, RS Sauri… - Nidhomul Haq …, 2022 -
This article aims to identify and analyze:(1). Planning,(2). Organizing (3). Implementation (4).
Evaluation. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data …

Construction of an Adaptive Blended Curriculum (ABC) model in implementing local content curriculum

ZZA Thaariq, MF Yulianto, R Nurdiyanto - Inovasi Kurikulum, 2023 -
Indonesia is famous for its rich and diverse local wisdom. This diversity makes the wealth of
human resources has the potential that can be developed in the realm of local content …

Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Learning and Character in the New Normal Era

Z Abidin, D Destari, S Syafruddin, S Arifin… - Al-Hayat: Journal of …, 2022 -
This article aims to describe the planning, implementation, and evaluation of IRE (Islamic
Religious Education) and Character learning at SMK Thoriqul Ulum Pacet. This article uses …

Kiai's Leadership in Strengthening Santri's Moderation Attitude in Islamic Boarding Schools

AK Rozaq, B Basri, I Indah - Nidhomul Haq: Jurnal Manajemen …, 2022 -
Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis: 1) Peran kepemimpinan Kiai dalam menguatkan sikap
moderasi santri di Pondok Pesantren Al-Khoirot, 2) Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan …

Revisión sistemática de las características de evaluación curricular en programas académicos de pregrado a través del método PRISMA-NMA

MV Cely-Salazar… - … Electrónica Calidad en la …, 2022 -
Las prácticas de evaluación curricular en la educación superior son indispensables, dados
los procesos de autoevaluación y autorregulación exigidos por las secretarías y ministerios …

Islamic Religious Education Model with Knowing-Doing-Meaning-Sensing-Being Approach to Realize Knowledge Integration

S Sodikin, I Imaduddin, Z Abidin… - Al-Ishlah: Jurnal …, 2022 -
The transformative education of pesantren has become an idol among the community
because it has advantages from scientific integration. This article aims to describe and find …

An Instrument Development to Evaluate Teachers' Involvement in Planning the Schools' Budgeting at Elementary Schools of Yogyakarta Province.

S Hadi, S Maisaroh, A Hidayat, D Andrian - International Journal of Instruction, 2022 - ERIC
This study aims to develop instruments and evaluate teachers' involvement in planning the
schools' budgeting at elementary schools of Yogyakarta Province. The teachers' …