Carbon sequestration in tropical and temperate agroforestry systems: a review with examples from Costa Rica and southern Canada

M Oelbermann, RP Voroney, AM Gordon - Agriculture, ecosystems & …, 2004 - Elsevier
Deforestation in the tropics, and fossil fuel burning in temperate regions contribute to the
largest flux of CO2 to the atmosphere. Therefore, land-use systems that increase the soil …

[HTML][HTML] 森林细根生产和周转研究

张小全, 吴可红 - 林业科学, 2001 -
随着近2 0 多年来对细根功能的深入认识和研究方法的发展, 林分细根生物量,
生产和周转及其与环境因子的关系成为森林生态学的研究热点之一, 开展了大量研究 …

Matching policy and science: Rationale for the '4 per 1000-soils for food security and climate'initiative

JF Soussana, S Lutfalla, F Ehrhardt… - Soil and Tillage …, 2019 - Elsevier
At the 21st session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC, COP21), a voluntary action plan, the '4 per 1000 Initiative: Soils for Food Security …

[图书][B] Nitrogen fixation in tropical cropping systems

KE Giller - 2001 -
The second edition of this book, first published in 1991 and intended for students and
researchers, contains revised and updated material on the theory and practice of nitrogen …

Facing climate variability in sub-Saharan Africa: analysis of climate-smart agriculture opportunities to manage climate-related risks

RB Zougmoré, ST Partey, M Ouédraogo… - Cahiers Agricultures …, 2018 -
In the literature, a lot of information is available about climate change perceptions and
impacts in sub-Saharan Africa. However, there is limited attention in the region to emerging …

Biophysical interactions in tropical agroforestry systems

MR Rao, PKR Nair, CK Ong - Agroforestry systems, 1997 - Springer
The rate and extent to which biophysical resources are captured and utilized by the
components of an agroforestry system are determined by the nature and intensity of …

Potential of agroforestry for carbon sequestration and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from soils in the tropics

PK Mutuo, G Cadisch, A Albrecht, CA Palm… - Nutrient cycling in …, 2005 - Springer
Losses of carbon (C) stocks in terrestrial ecosystems and increasing concentrations of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are challenges that scientists and policy makers have …

Soil improvement by trees in sub-Saharan Africa

RJ Buresh, G Tian - Directions in Tropical Agroforestry Research: Adapted …, 1998 - Springer
Trees can influence both the supply and availability of nutrients in the soil. Trees increase
the supply of nutrients within the rooting zone of crops through (1) input of N by biological N …

[图书][B] Trees, crops, and soil fertility: concepts and research methods

G Schroth, FL Sinclair - 2003 -
Annotation. Successful agroforestry requires an understanding of the complex relationship
between trees, crops and soils. This book provides a review of both economic and …

A renewed perspective on agroforestry concepts and classification

EF Torquebiau - Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series …, 2000 - Elsevier
Agroforestry, the association of trees with farming practices, is progressively becoming a
recognized land-use discipline. However, it is still percieved by some scientists, technicians …