Pengembangan handout materi sistem koloid berbasis guided note taking untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dan respon siswa kelas XI SMA
SA Sari - Jipi (Jurnal Ipa Dan Pembelajaran Ipa), 2020 -
Salah satu penyebab rendahnya hasil belajar siswa adalah ketidakaktifan siswa dalam
membuat catatan pembelajaran secara mandiri. Hal ini juga disebabkan kurangnya minat …
membuat catatan pembelajaran secara mandiri. Hal ini juga disebabkan kurangnya minat …
Learning observation: The demands of 21st century biology learning in Senior High School
The sophistication of technology and access to information in the twenty-first century pushed
education providers to transform preparing students to face a more challenging future …
education providers to transform preparing students to face a more challenging future …
Test validity and reliability in learning evaluation
E Erlinawati, M Muslimah - Bulletin of Community …, 2021 -
The evaluation aimed to get achievement in assessing an educational target by students. In
terms of assessment, a quality assessment tool is needed to fulfil two things: validity and …
terms of assessment, a quality assessment tool is needed to fulfil two things: validity and …
The needs analysis on module development based on creative problem solving method to improve students' problem solving ability
GAC Dewi, W Sunarno… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 -
Students' problem-solving ability is important to be improved in physics learning because it
can assist students to solve problems in everyday life. Some problems found in this study …
can assist students to solve problems in everyday life. Some problems found in this study …
[PDF][PDF] Development of science handouts based on critical thinking skills on the topic of the human digestive system
A Sulastri, B Badruzsaufari, D Dharmono… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2022 -
Improving the achievement of competencies which are indicators in the study of the quality
of education in Indonesia, can be done by procuring quality and innovative teaching …
of education in Indonesia, can be done by procuring quality and innovative teaching …
Problems of biology learning and evaluation analysis at the cipp model-based higher education level
IBA Arjaya, K Suma - Biosfer, 2023 -
The purpose of this study was 1) to determine what the problems of biology learning at the
college level are based on the learning domain; 2) to examine the biology learning …
college level are based on the learning domain; 2) to examine the biology learning …
Pengembangan E-Handout Berbasis Mind Mapping Dan Gambar Pada Materi Ekosistem di SMP Negeri 1 Woyla
B Abdiah - 2022 -
Selama masa pandemi covid 19 terjadi pengurangan waktu belajar, sehingga guru
mengalami kesulitan dalam menyesuaikan keterbatasan waktu yang tersedia dengan …
mengalami kesulitan dalam menyesuaikan keterbatasan waktu yang tersedia dengan …
Chemistry module based on guided discovery to improve critical thinking ability: development and trial results
The aim of this research is to know the results of trials on chemical modules on
thermochemistry chapter developed. The method used in this research is mixed method …
thermochemistry chapter developed. The method used in this research is mixed method …
Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and Learning Outcomes of Students in Science Learning
Emotional intelligence is one indicator of academic success, where students who have high
emotional intelligence will be active and work better in their groups. Emotional intelligence is …
emotional intelligence will be active and work better in their groups. Emotional intelligence is …
The development of PBL e-handout assisted by PhET simulation of optical material-lenses for high school students
Technology is very important in learning, particularly in learning physics. This paper aims to
determine the feasibility of e-handout PBL-aided simulations PhET. The development of the …
determine the feasibility of e-handout PBL-aided simulations PhET. The development of the …