The story so far-digital preservation in institutional repositories: the case of academic libraries in Ghana

E Adjei, M Mensah, EA Amoaful - Digital Library Perspectives, 2019 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the standards, strategies, support and
challenges of digital preservation in institutional repositories in academic libraries in Ghana …

[PDF][PDF] Digital citizenship approach and teacher profile

FG Arredondo Trapero, JC Vázquez Parra… - Education in the …, 2020 -
The aim of this paper is to analyse ideas about digital citizenship in Mexican teachers of
pupils from elementary through to intermediate level, taking the following as independent …

Usage and performance of open educational resources among state universities of tamil nadu research scholars

KS Kumar, I Fathurrochman… - International …, 2021 -
The new education system emphasizes the online based teaching-learning approaches. In
particular, all the learners want to secure, open, affordable, and normal educational …

Innovación en el diseño instruccional de cursos masivos abiertos con gamificación y REA para formar en sustentabilidad energética

MG Argueta-Velázquez… - Education in the …, 2017 -
Ante los retos que vive México en materia de sustentabilidad energética, principalmente en
el sector eléctrico, surge el proyecto 266632 “Laboratorio Binacional para la Gestión …

Integrating HCI Perspective into a Mobile Software Development Team: Strategies and lessons from the field

T Darin, N Carneiro, R Andrade, R Castro… - Proceedings of the 21st …, 2019 -
Software engineers are traditionally concerned with performance and capabilities of mobile
applications, while Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) approaches remain underused in …

[PDF][PDF] Investigación y Ciencia Abierta

FJ García-Peñalvo… - … en Seminarios del …, 2017 -
Investigación y Ciencia Abierta Page 1 Investigación y Ciencia Abierta Francisco José
García-Peñalvo GRupo de investigación en InterAcción y eLearning (GRIAL) Instituto de …

[PDF][PDF] The Kick-off Meeting of the Education in the Knowledge Society PhD Programme for the 2020-2021 academic course

FJ García-Peñalvo - 2020 -
–Resto de matrículas, si se ha superado el curso anterior julioseptiembre-https://doctorado.
usal. es/es/preinscripcion-matricula–Si un estudiante no se matricula causa baja en el …

Open Educational Practices among Research Scholars in Education

S Kumar, MM Prabu - K. Sathish Kumar, & M. MAHENDRAPRABU …, 2021 -
The current education system focuses the online related teaching-learning methods. In
particular, all the learners want to free, open, accessible, and legal educational resources …

Aproximación a la ciudadanía digital y el perfil del profesor

FGA Trapero, JCV Parra… - Education in the …, 2020 -
El objetivo de este documento es analizar la idea que tienen los profesores mexicanos de
alumnos de nivel elemental a nivel intermedio sobre la ciudadanía digital, tomando las …

[PDF][PDF] Repositorios del futuro

FJ García-Peñalvo - 2017 -
Repositorios del futuro Dr. Francisco José García-Peñalvo Profesor del Departamento de
Informática y Automática de la Unive Page 1 Repositorios del futuro Dr. Francisco José …