Charged black branes with hyperscaling violating factor

M Alishahiha, EÓ Colgáin, H Yavartanoo - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 - Springer
A bstract We present an analytic solution of a charged black hole with hyperscaling violating
factor in an Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton model where the scalar potential is key to the …

Quantum critical lines in holographic phases with (un) broken symmetry

B Goutéraux, E Kiritsis - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 - Springer
A bstract All possible scaling IR asymptotics in homogeneous, translation invariant
holographic phases preserving or breaking a U (1) symmetry in the IR are classified. Scale …

[HTML][HTML] Higher-derivative scalar-vector-tensor theories: black holes, Galileons, singularity cloaking and holography

C Charmousis, B Gouteraux, E Kiritsis - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 - Springer
A bstract We consider a general Kaluza-Klein reduction of a truncated Lovelock theory. We
find necessary geometric conditions for the reduction to be consistent. The resulting lower …

Holographic models for theories with hyperscaling violation

J Gath, J Hartong, R Monteiro, NA Obers - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 - Springer
A bstract We study in detail a variety of gravitational toy models for hyperscaling-violating
Lifshitz (hvLif) space-times. These space-times have been recently explored as holographic …

Holographic thermalization with Lifshitz scaling and hyperscaling violation

P Fonda, L Franti, V Keraenen, E Keski-Vakkuri… - Journal of High Energy …, 2014 - Springer
A bstract A Vaidya type geometry describing gravitation collapse in asymptotically Lifshitz
spacetime with hyperscaling violation provides a simple holographic model for …

On holography with hyperscaling violation

M Alishahiha, H Yavartanoo - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 - Springer
A bstract We study certain features of strongly coupled theories with hyperscaling violation
by making use of their gravitational duals. We will consider models with an anisotropic …

Universal scaling properties of extremal cohesive holographic phases

B Goutéraux - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 - Springer
A bstract We show that strongly-coupled, translation-invariant holographic IR phases at finite
density can be classified according to the scaling behaviour of the metric, the electric …

Evidence for the existence of a novel class of supersymmetric black holes with AdS5× S5 asymptotics

J Markevičiūtė, JE Santos - Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2018 -
We construct a new class of charged, rotating hairy black holes in a consistent truncation of
supergravity, which retains one charged scalar field and a U gauge field. These hairy …

[HTML][HTML] Inhomogeneity simplified

M Taylor, W Woodhead - The European Physical Journal C, 2014 - Springer
We study models of translational symmetry breaking in which inhomogeneous matter field
profiles can be engineered in such a way that black-brane metrics remain isotropic and …

Extremal horizons with reduced symmetry: hyperscaling violation, stripes, and a classification for the homogeneous case

N Iizuka, S Kachru, N Kundu, P Narayan… - Journal of High Energy …, 2013 - Springer
A bstract Classifying the zero-temperature ground states of quantum field theories with finite
charge density is a very interesting problem. Via holography, this problem is mapped to the …