Development of endurance with the ball exercise model in basketball games

R Yuliandra, EB Fahrizqi - Jp. Jok (Jurnal …, 2020 -
This study uses a research and development method with the aim of creating an endurance
training model using a basketball, so that the exercise is not monotonous. This research was …

The Effect of Circuit Training Method on Leg Muscle Explosive Power

R Yuliandra, RA Nugroho… - Active: Journal Of …, 2020 -
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of circuit training method on the leg
muscle explosive ability. In this circuit training 4 posts containing exercises for strength and …

Survei Kondisi Fisik Atlet Pada Berbagai Cabang Olahraga

P Prima, DC Kartiko - Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga Dan …, 2021 -
Kondisi fisik adalah elemen yang penting untuk mencapai prestasi. Salah satu hal yang
wajib dimiliki setiap atlet dalam mengembangkan dan meningkatkan prestasi olahraga …

Analisis Kondisi Fisik Pemain Spartan Basketball Club

H Rustiawan, AR Taufik… - Jurnal Wahana Pendidikan, 2021 -
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the actual physical condition of all
Spartan Basketball Cimahi Club players. This type of research was quantitative descriptive …

Tingkat kondisi fisik tim bola basket porprov putra Kota Malang tahun 2022

MA Firmansyah, U Wahyudi… - Sport Science and …, 2022 -
This study aims to explore how well the level of physical condition of the men's PORPROV
basketball team in Malang City in 2022. The analysis used in this study is to use a …

Efektivitas Latihan Plyometric Dalam Meningkatkan Kekuatan Dan Kelincahan

Y Gozali, D Setiawan… - Jurnal Olahraga dan …, 2024 -
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mencari tahu apakah efektivitas latihan plyometric dalam
meningkatkan kekuatan dan kelincahan. kemudian peneliti juga bertujuan membandingkan …

Survei tingkat kondisi fisik pemain bola basket putra kelompok umur 18 tahun klub human Kota Malang

SS Awanti, U Wahyudi, F Amiq - Sport Science and Health, 2024 -
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of physical condition of male basketball
players in the 18 year old group of Human club Malang city. The method used in this study is …

Analisis Hasil Tes Sprint 30 Meter dan Bleep Test Atlet Putri Ku 14 Club Basket CLS Surabaya

GT Wicaksono, DA Kusuma - JOSSAE (Journal of Sport Science …, 2021 -
In this study, the aim of this research is to find out how the description of the physical ability
of the aerobic endurance and speed of the CLS Surabaya basketball club. This type of …


SD Sari, AW Suripto - … Journal For Physical Education And Sport, 2021 -
The problem of this research is how is the profile of the phisical condition of long distance
running athletes in the Bima Cepu athletic club, Blora Regency in 2020? This research uses …

Spesifikasi Komponen Kondisi Fisik Chest Pass Atlet Putri di Ekstrakurikuler Bola Basket SMP Negeri 7 Pemalang

AF Darmawan, DS Pratama… - Majalah …, 2020 -
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh atlet putri ekstrakurikuler bola basket di SMP Negeri 7
Pemalang yang memiliki teknik chest pass yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk …