Contingent valuation

RT Carson, WM Hanemann - Handbook of environmental economics, 2005 - Elsevier
Value estimates for environmental goods can be obtained by either estimating preference
parameters as “revealed” through behavior related to some aspect of the amenity or using …

Contemporary guidance for stated preference studies

RJ Johnston, KJ Boyle, W Adamowicz… - Journal of the …, 2017 -
This article proposes contemporary best-practice recommendations for stated preference
(SP) studies used to inform decision making, grounded in the accumulated body of peer …

[图书][B] Valuing environmental and natural resources: the econometrics of non-market valuation

TC Haab, KE McConnell - 2002 -
Non-market valuation has become a broadly accepted and widely practiced means of
measuring the economic values of the environment and natural resources. In this book, the …

What do the worldwide governance indicators measure?

MA Thomas - The European Journal of Development Research, 2010 - Springer
As policymakers and researchers focus more on the question of the impact of governance in
economic development, they have required measures of the quality of governance to set …

Contingent valuation in practice

KJ Boyle - A primer on nonmarket valuation, 2017 - Springer
Abstract Contingent Valuation in Practice takes the reader through each of the basic steps in
the design and administration of a contingent-valuation study. The text is written for the …

A common nomenclature for stated preference elicitation approaches

RT Carson, JJ Louviere - Environmental and resource economics, 2011 - Springer
It is often difficult to determine what actually was done in work involving data collected with
stated preference surveys because the terms used to describe various procedures have …

Willingness‐to‐pay for crime control programs

MA Cohen, RT Rust, S Steen, ST Tidd - Criminology, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
This paper reports on a new methodology to estimate the “cost of crime.” It is adapted from
the contingent valuation method used in the environmental economics literature and is itself …

Donation payment mechanisms and contingent valuation: an empirical study of hypothetical bias

PA Champ, RC Bishop - Environmental and resource economics, 2001 - Springer
Donation payment mechanisms are well suited forsome contingent valuation studies. In
aneffort to better understand the discrepancythat has been consistently found between …

Age, health and the willingness to pay for mortality risk reductions: a contingent valuation survey of Ontario residents

A Krupnick, A Alberini, M Cropper, N Simon… - Journal of risk and …, 2002 - Springer
We present the results of a contingent valuation survey eliciting willingness to pay (WTP) for
mortality risk reductions. The survey was self-administered using a computer by 930 persons …

[PDF][PDF] Contingent valuation: Past, present and future

D Hoyos, P Mariel - Prague economic papers, 2010 -
This paper summarizes the long history of the contingent valuation method, stressing the
important dates and events that influenced its economic applications. It reviews the …