Charity and debt behaviors comparison: perception of low-income households
LD Arsyianti, S Kassim - International Journal of Ethics and Systems, 2021 -
Purpose This paper aims to investigate low-income households in Indonesia with regard to
their perspective on charity-giving and its comparison with acquiring debt behavior as their …
their perspective on charity-giving and its comparison with acquiring debt behavior as their …
[图书][B] Islamic finance, risk-sharing and macroeconomic stability
M Zulkhibri, TAA Manap - 2019 - Springer
The global crisis of 2007–2009 has clearly demonstrated the fallacies and inadequacies of
the prevailing financial system and has made policymakers and regulators to rethinking the …
the prevailing financial system and has made policymakers and regulators to rethinking the …
Debt Taking And Charity-Giving Among Low-Income Households: Strengthening Resilience In Islamic Perspective
Households' financial problem was perceived to be solved by taking other source of fund
such as debt. In Islam, taking debt should be considered as the last resource when other …
such as debt. In Islam, taking debt should be considered as the last resource when other …
[PDF][PDF] " Zakat Training" Program and Inclusive Empowerment in the Village named" Kampung Ideot": A Study in Karangpatihan Village, Balong Subdistrict, Ponorogo …
A Manzilati, JN Zahara - Review of Integrative Business and …, 2020 -
The term empowerment is usually associated with economic empowerment by the
government and/or certain institutions/organizations for poverty alleviation. A different …
government and/or certain institutions/organizations for poverty alleviation. A different …
Achievement Motivation Training and Self Empowerment Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Manusia di Training Center Telkom University 2024
I Indri - Jurnal ABDIRAJA, 2024 -
Budaya suatu perusahaan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai andalan daya saing suatu
perusahaan dalam menghadapi perubahan dan tantangan. Motivasi berprestasi akan …
perusahaan dalam menghadapi perubahan dan tantangan. Motivasi berprestasi akan …
Resource Mobilisation and Islamic Charity-Giving in Indonesia: Evidence from Low-Income Households
This paper examines low-income households' perspective on regular charity-giving
behaviour in Indonesia. Theory of social production function and the theory of planned …
behaviour in Indonesia. Theory of social production function and the theory of planned …
[PDF][PDF] Analisis Modal Sosial Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Desa Tempuran Kecamatan Bringin Kabupaten Semarang
S Pujiharto - 2018 -
ABSTRAK Sugeng Pujiharto, Program Magister Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis,
Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Analisis Modal Sosial Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan di …
Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Analisis Modal Sosial Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan di …
[PDF][PDF] Human Resource Development Model on the Poor Society In North Minahasa Regency
T Sumual -
The low human resource quality, competitiveness and poverty become government and
society's problems all the time because the improvement focus has not touched human …
society's problems all the time because the improvement focus has not touched human …