[图书][B] Mobile selves: race, migration, and belonging in Peru and the US

UD Berg - 2017 - books.google.com
An explanation of how Peruvian migrants maintain meaningful social relations across
borders. In this engaging volume, Ulla D. Berg examines the conditions under which …

Collective remittances and development in rural Mexico: a view from Chicago's Mexican Hometown Associations

X Bada - Population, Space and Place, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This paper addresses the changing agendas of US‐based hometown associations (HTAs)
in rural Mexico and the impact that these changes have on local government decisions to …

[图书][B] Return to sender: the moral economy of Peru's migrant remittances

K Paerregaard - 2015 - books.google.com
Return to Sender is an anthropological account of how Peruvian emigrants raise and remit
money and what that activity means for themselves and for their home communities. The …

[图书][B] Con o sin pasaporte. Análisis socio antropológico sobre la migración ecuatoriana

J Ramírez - 2010 - aacademica.org
Esta obra presenta información cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre la migración ecuatoriana y
comparte las vidas y estrategias de las y los migrantes y sus familias, residentes en España …

On Latin@ s and the immigration debate

A Dávila, L Mullings, R Rosaldo, LFB Plascencia… - American …, 2014 - JSTOR
Arlene Dävila Department of Anthropology, New York Univer-much to say about immigration
and that our insigh sity, New York, NY 10003; ad62@ nyu. edu help expand the …

Koncepti transnacionalnih socijalnih prostora i polja u istraživanju migracijskih i postmigracijskih procesa

S Kuti - Migracijske i etničke teme, 2012 - ceeol.com
SAŽETAK U suvremenim migracijskim studijama sve je rasprostranjenija transnacionalna
perspektiva kao rezultat kritičkog propitivanja metodološkog nacionalizma u društvenim …

[PDF][PDF] La migración calificada de ecuatorianos a Canadá

C Pagnotta, JR Gallegos - Con o sin pasaporte, 2010 - biblioteca-repositorio.clacso.edu.ar
A pesar de que el flujo de trabajadores calificados que sale de Ecuador hacia Canadá es
de menor consistencia comparado con los que se orientan hacia los Estados Unidos y …

[图书][B] Circulating citizenship practices: Bolivian routes of migration, hometown associations, and development

C Strunk - 2012 - search.proquest.com
International migration has become a widespread phenomenon across the Andes in recent
decades. In Bolivia, where approximately 20 percent of the population lives abroad, long …

[图书][B] Diasporic Macedonians: Transnational Communities and National Identity Development in Los Angeles County

CJ DeCorse - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Geographers are increasingly interested in exploring US transnational populations of
European origin and effect of relocation on their sense of original national identity. The …

The Transnational Networks of Cultural Commodities: Peruvian Food in San Francisco

KA Brain - 2010 - pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu
In a setting of increased movement, communication, and flows across space, commodity
chain networks bring valued cultural commodities to transnational communities. This …