Handling natural hazards in Indonesia amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Muhammadiyah's response and strategy
M Ichsan - Jàmbá-Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 2022 - journals.co.za
Indonesia is prone to natural hazards, which have continued to occur even during the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Therefore, this study explored the …
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Therefore, this study explored the …
Strategi Muhammadiyah Disaster Manajement Center (MDMC) dalam Penanggulangan Bencana Banjir Kabupaten Bima pada Bulan April Tahun 2021
Kegiatan penanggulangan bencana yang dilakukan oleh MDMC Kabupaten Bima
merupakan salah satu kegiatan wajib dilakukan setiap terjadi bencana alam maupun …
merupakan salah satu kegiatan wajib dilakukan setiap terjadi bencana alam maupun …
Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) dalam Penanggulangan Bencana Banjir di Kota Makassar
H Hawing - Journal of Governance and Local Politics (JGLP), 2021 - journal.unpacti.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan Muhammadiyah
Disaster Management Center (MDMC) dalam penanggulangan bencana banjir di Kota …
Disaster Management Center (MDMC) dalam penanggulangan bencana banjir di Kota …
Sosialisasi Peran dan Aksi Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MMDC) Pada Penanggulangan Bencana Hidrometeorologis di Kota Palangka Raya
R Rahmaniati, S Marlina… - I-Com: Indonesian …, 2023 - ejournal.uniramalang.ac.id
Abstrak Kelurahan Bereng Bengkel berpotensi mengalami banjir yang cukup tinggi.
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dimaksudkan untuk: 1) mensosialisasikan keberadaan …
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dimaksudkan untuk: 1) mensosialisasikan keberadaan …
Disaster mitigation learning integration model in social studies in middle school
AP Buamona, AR Assegaf, I Syafi'i… - AL MA'ARIEF: Jurnal …, 2023 - ejurnal.iainpare.ac.id
Disaster management strategies will work effectively if residents have the same
understanding in disaster management. The Sidoarjo Regency area is an area that has the …
understanding in disaster management. The Sidoarjo Regency area is an area that has the …
The Importance of Social Capital for Faith-Based Organizations in the New Normal Adaptation of West Sumatera
IM Permata, BJ Nanda… - … Realitas: Journal of …, 2021 - ejournal.uinbukittinggi.ac.id
This paper seeks to explain the importance of faith-based organizations as social capital
during the new normal era in West Sumatra. Considering West Sumatra is identical with the …
during the new normal era in West Sumatra. Considering West Sumatra is identical with the …
Analyzing the Impact of Social Assistance Programs on Poverty Alleviation in Karo Regency
RS Simbolon - Law and Economics, 2022 - journals.ristek.or.id
This research delves into an in-depth analysis of the impact of social assistance programs
on poverty alleviation within Karo Regency. Employing a mixed-methods approach …
on poverty alleviation within Karo Regency. Employing a mixed-methods approach …
Faith-science transdisciplinary study: mitigating disasters in Muslim communities
This study responds to the escalating global concerns surrounding disaster management.
The primary objective is to investigate the pivotal role played by Muhammadiyah in …
The primary objective is to investigate the pivotal role played by Muhammadiyah in …
Belajar dari KKN Kebencanaan: Pola Distribusian Bantuan Paska Gempa Lombok antara MDMC dan BPBD
JS Adiansyah, BAF Matrani - Aksiologiya: Jurnal …, 2021 - journal.um-surabaya.ac.id
Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang memiliki berbagai macam potensi bencana
seperti gempa bumi. Salah satu kejadian gempa bumi dengan kekuatan yang mencapai 6 …
seperti gempa bumi. Salah satu kejadian gempa bumi dengan kekuatan yang mencapai 6 …
Overview of the Prosocial Behavior of Volunteers of the East Java Muhammadiyah Disasster Management Center (MDMC) for Victims of the Semeru Eruption
TM Ulfah, H Hazim - Journal of Islamic and Muhammadiyah …, 2023 - jims.umsida.ac.id
This study aims to describe the prosocial behavior of volunteers and also to find out what
factors influence the prosocial behavior of East Java MDMC volunteers involved in the …
factors influence the prosocial behavior of East Java MDMC volunteers involved in the …