Ekološki pogledi na svet učenika osnovne i srednje škole-primena NEP skale

JM Stanišić - Inovacije u nastavi-časopis za savremenu nastavu, 2021 - scindeks.ceon.rs
Attitudes towards environment represent the ways individuals perceive the world around
them. Such attitudes are worth exploring because they frequently determine the behavior …

Didactic preconditions for environmental education in the Macedonian secondary schools

M Srbinovski, M Ismaili, V Zenki - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
The objective of this research is to determine the basic didactic preconditions for
environmental education in secondary schools in the Republic of Macedonia. This was done …

The trend of the high school students' level of the environmental knowledge in the republic of macedonia

M Srbinovski, M Ismaili, A Abazi - Procedia-Social and Behavioral …, 2011 - Elsevier
The aim of this study was to determine the level of students' environmental knowledge in the
Republic of Macedonia. We used two instruments of the random sample of 972 students …

Students' conative component about the environment in the Republic of Macedonia

M Ismaili, M Srbinovski, Z Sapuric - Procedia-Social and Behavioral …, 2014 - Elsevier
In this paper we tried to determine the level of students' conative component about
environment in the Republic of Macedonia. 1478 students from 38 primary and secondary …

[PDF][PDF] Environmental Attitudes of Macedonian School Students in the Period 1995-2016.

MS Srbinovski - Teaching Innovations/Inovacije u Nastavi, 2019 - researchgate.net
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the environmental attitudes in the population of
Macedonian school students in the last 22 years. This review was conducted through five …

Еколошки погледи на свет ученика основне и средње школе: примена НЕП скале

Ј Станишић - Иновације у настави, 2021 - ipir.ipisr.org.rs
Ставови према животној средини представљају начин на који појединац посматра свет
око себе и важно их је испитивати, јер често одређују понашање које или повећава или …

[PDF][PDF] Elementary School and High School Students' Environmental Worldviews: NEP Scale Application2

ЈM Stanišić - 2021 - inovacijeunastavi.rs
Attitudes towards environment represent the ways individuals perceive the world around
them. Such attitudes are worth exploring because they frequently determine the behavior …