The randomized information complexity of elliptic PDE

S Heinrich - Journal of Complexity, 2006 - Elsevier
We study the information complexity in the randomized setting of solving a general elliptic
PDE of order 2m in a smooth, bounded domain Q⊂ Rd with smooth coefficients and …

Finite-order weights imply tractability of linear multivariate problems

GW Wasilkowski, H Woźniakowski - Journal of Approximation Theory, 2004 - Elsevier
We study the minimal number n (ɛ, d) of information evaluations needed to compute a worst
case ɛ-approximation of a linear multivariate problem. This problem is defined over a …

The quantum query complexity of elliptic PDE

S Heinrich - Journal of Complexity, 2006 - Elsevier
The query complexity of the following numerical problem is studied in the quantum model of
computation: consider a general elliptic partial differential equation of order 2m in a smooth …

On the complexity of parabolic initial-value problems with variable drift

K Petras, K Ritter - Journal of Complexity, 2006 - Elsevier
We study the intrinsic difficulty of solving linear parabolic initial-value problems numerically
at a single point. We present a worst-case analysis for deterministic as well as for …

[图书][B] Quantum algorithms and complexity for certain continuous and related discrete problems

M Kwas - 2005 -
The thesis contains an analysis of two computational problems. The first problem is discrete
quantum Boolean summation. This problem is a building block of quantum algorithms for …

Numerical analysis on a quantum computer

S Heinrich - Large-Scale Scientific Computing: 5th International …, 2006 - Springer
We give a short introduction to quantum computing and its relation to numerical analysis. We
survey recent research on quantum algorithms and quantum complexity theory for two basic …

Complexity for the approximation of Sobolev imbeddings in the quantum computation model

J Long, P Ye, X Yuan - … of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 2011 -
Using a new and elegant reduction approach we derive a lower bound of quantum
complexity for the approximation of imbeddings from anisotropic Sobolev classes B (W pr …