Climate and human migration: Past experiences, future challenges

RA McLeman - 2013 -
Studies warn that global warming and sea level rise will create hundreds of millions of
environmental refugees. While climate change will undoubtedly affect future migration …

Research on the social acceptance of renewable energy technologies: Past, present and future

S Batel - Energy Research & Social Science, 2020 - Elsevier
Social sciences have been very prolific in the last decades in publishing research that
attempts to better understand the social acceptance of renewable energy technologies and …

Social acceptance of renewable energy: Trends, concepts, and geographies

S Fast - Geography Compass, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
As global production of energy from renewable sources has grown over the last 25 years, so
too has research on social acceptance of renewable energy. This article reports findings …

Place-making and trust-building: The influence of policy on host community responses to wind farms

S Fast, W Mabee - Energy Policy, 2015 - Elsevier
This article assesses the impact of wind energy policy choices on host community
responses. Two key explanations (place-making and trust-building) for host community …

Conflicted or constructive? Exploring community responses to new energy developments in Canada

K Shaw, SD Hill, AD Boyd, L Monk, J Reid… - Energy Research & …, 2015 - Elsevier
A large-scale transition to low-carbon energy sources is necessary to mitigate climate
change. In practice, however, when new energy projects are proposed in specific places …

Using NIMBY rhetoric as a political resource to negotiate responses to local energy infrastructure: a power line case study

S Batel, P Devine-Wright - Local Environment, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Research has shown how the NIMBY explanation for local opposition to energy
infrastructures has made its way into the discourses of developers, policy makers, the media …

A descriptive analysis of public understanding and attitudes of renewable energy resources towards energy access and development in Nigeria

YO Akinwale, IO Ogundari, OE Ilevbare… - International Journal of …, 2014 -
Nigeria government has set a target of becoming among the top 20 economies by the year
2020. The argument here is not whether this can be achieved or not within the stipulated …

Understanding support and opposition to wind turbine development in Ontario, Canada and assessing possible steps for future development

T Christidis, G Lewis, P Bigelow - Renewable Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
Wind turbine development in Ontario, Canada has been met with opposition yet will likely
continue given broader environmental and economic forces. Ontario has ceased the use of …

A Habermasian analysis of local renewable energy deliberations

S Fast - Journal of Rural Studies, 2013 - Elsevier
This study pursues a Habermasian analysis of citizen discussions and of the local public
sphere to shed light on renewable energy futures in rural east-central Canada. Using data …

Evaluation of technology, economics and emissions impacts of community-scale bioenergy systems for a forest-based community in Ontario

MJ Blair, WE Mabee - Renewable energy, 2020 - Elsevier
Biomass is often considered as an alternative to fossil heating fuels such as oil and propane
but is rarely considered to displace lower cost natural gas. Using a case study approach …