Adding value to the learning process by online peer review activities: towards the elaboration of a methodology to promote critical thinking in future engineers

C Dominguez, MM Nascimento… - European Journal of …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Considering the results of research on the benefits and difficulties of peer review, this paper
describes how teaching faculty, interested in endorsing the acquisition of communication …

Education students' use of collaborative writing tools in collectively reflective essay papers

C Brodahl, NK Hansen - 2014 -
Google Docs and EtherPad are Web 2.0 tools providing opportunity for multiple users to
work online on the same document consecutively or simultaneously. Over the last few years …

Systemic Analysis of the Use of Technological Tools in the University Learning Process.

N Mozombite-Jayo, F Manrique-Jaime… - International …, 2022 -
The research described in this article is based on interviews to obtain information about the
use of technological tools in the university learning process, from different points of view of …

Come together: peer review with energy engineering students

C Dominguez, M Nascimento, A Maia, D Pedrosa… - 2014 -
Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of collected data, this work examines
energy engineering students' perceptions towards web-based peer assessment …

Navigating Blended Teaching Post-COVID: Insights From Language Teachers

T Tran-Thi-Thanh - Theory and Practice in Language …, 2024 -
This study aims to investigate how higher education instructors perceive remote teaching
during the COVID-19 pandemic and how prepared they were technologically to implement …

Insights on web-based peer review: a case study with energy engineering students

C Dominguez, M Nascimento, A Maia… - … Conference of the …, 2013 -
Taking in account the conclusions of our previous case-study in the civil engineering course
at UTAD (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal) this work presents …

[PDF][PDF] Revisão entre pares e pensamento crítico: percurso para uma metodologia transversal.

C Dominguez, R Payan, MF Morais, MM Nascimento… - 2014 -
O pensamento crítico (PCr) é cada vez mais reconhecido como parte integrante das
competências a aprofundar pelos alunos universitários durante o seu percurso de …

[PDF][PDF] Der Mensch in der Maschine?

G Metzger, M Vasko - Perspektiven angewandter Hochschuldidaktik …, 2014 -
" Klick dich schlau" titelt im Oktober des Jahres 2013 eine große deutsche Tageszeitung 1
und bezieht sich dabei auf die Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) als den neuen …

[PDF][PDF] Pensamento Crítico em Rede no Ensino Superior: Reflexões de um Projeto de Partilha e Divulgação de Experiências em Inovação Didática da UTAD

C Dominguez, R Payan-Carreira, G Cruz… - 2015 -
Neste trabalho discutem-se os resultados do projeto―Pensamento Crítico em Rede no
Ensino Superior‖, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; este visava a …

[PDF][PDF] Estratégias de reforço das capacidades de pensamento crítico: um caso na UTAD

R Payan, C Dominguez, MM Nascimento - 2014 -
O pensamento crítico (PCr) é uma das competências sociais mais procuradas pelo mercado
de trabalho. Sendo" uma forma de pensamento racional, reflexivo, focado naquilo em que …