Simple asymptotic forms for Sommerfeld and Brillouin precursors

B Macke, B Ségard - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2012 - APS
This article mainly deals with the propagation of step-modulated light pulses in a dense
Lorentz medium at distances such that the medium is opaque in a broad spectral region …

System and method for identifying materials using a THz spectral fingerprint in a media with high water content

PK Brady - US Patent 9,658,155, 2017 - Google Patents
A material detector includes a pulse generator to generate pulses to excite molecules in the
material and a detector to detect a signal generated from excited molecules in the terahertz …

Optimal pulse penetration in Lorentz-model dielectrics using the Sommerfeld and Brillouin precursors

KE Oughstun - Optics Express, 2015 -
Under proper initial conditions, the interrelated effects of phase and attenuation dispersion
in ultrawideband pulse propagation modify the input pulse into precursor fields. Because of …

Waveform design for synthetic-aperture radar imaging through dispersive media

T Varslot, JH Morales, M Cheney - SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2011 - SIAM
In this paper we analyze the problem of optimal waveform design for synthetic-aperture
radar (SAR) imaging through a dispersive medium. We use a scalar model for wave …

Optical precursors with finite rise and fall time

JF Chen, MMT Loy, GKL Wong, S Du - Journal of Optics, 2010 -
We report results of both theoretical and experimental studies of optical precursors
generated from a square-modulated probe laser pulse having a finite rise and fall time and …

Brillouin precursors from magnon and optical phonon polaritons from a random-walk media

RR Alfano, Y Budansky, L Chan, R Brun, S Russell… - Optik, 2021 - Elsevier
The dispersion of a broadband electromagnetic pulse in a dielectric was theorized by
Sommerfeld and Brillouin to separate into parts, with two groups of frequencies traveling …

Fractional precursors in random media

J Garnier, K Sølna - Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
When a broadband pulse penetrates into a dissipative and dispersive medium, phase
dispersion and frequency-dependent attenuation alter the pulse in a way that results in the …

System and method for identifying materials using a THz spectral fingerprint in a media with high water content

PK Brady - US Patent 10,753,867, 2020 - Google Patents
A material detector includes a pulse generator to generate pulses to excite molecules in the
material and a detector to detect a signal generated from excited molecules in the terahertz …

[图书][B] Optical Precursors: From Classical Waves to Single Photons

JF Chen, H Jeong, MMT Loy, S Du - 2013 - Springer
The study of precursor could be traced back to 100 years ago, the time when Sommerfeld
and Brillouin attempted to explore the propagation speed of a finite pulse. Precursors …

Precursors for waves in random media

G Bal, O Pinaud, L Ryzhik, K Sølna - Wave Motion, 2014 - Elsevier
We consider scattering of a pulse propagating through a three-dimensional random media
and study the shape of the pulse in the parabolic approximation. We show that, similarly to …