Housing policy and the post-apartheid city: A tale of urban exclusion through housing delivery
P Adebayo - Urban inclusivity in southern Africa, 2021 - Springer
Housing policy in the apartheid period was a central tool of social, spatial and economic
exclusion, and contributed much to the race-based exclusionary character of South African …
exclusion, and contributed much to the race-based exclusionary character of South African …
Overcoming the challenge of vertical consolidation in South Africa's low-income settlements: a case study of Du Noon
R McGaffin, LR Cirolia, M Massyn - Urban Forum, 2015 - Springer
Theoretically, the evident demand for housing in growing cities, particularly in the Global
South would result in vertical consolidation of properties. However, unlike places in Latin …
South would result in vertical consolidation of properties. However, unlike places in Latin …
[PDF][PDF] Still no room at the Inn: Post-apartheid housing policy and the challenge of integrating the poor in South African cities
PW Adebayo - … Studies Association Conference on Housing in an …, 2010 - researchgate.net
Integrating the poor in the city after apartheid is an important housing policy theme in South
Africa, dictated by the need for equity and social change in a democratic political …
Africa, dictated by the need for equity and social change in a democratic political …
A forced policy crossroads in South Africa: Revisiting incremental housing ideas post-COVID-19
P Adebayo - Journal of Public Administration, 2020 - journals.co.za
The premise of the incremental housing approach is that low-income households can, and
have, transformed their rudimentary housing into substantial dwellings over time. This …
have, transformed their rudimentary housing into substantial dwellings over time. This …
Back to First Principles: Ideas for Supporting Incrementalism in Low-Income Housing in South Africa
Despite the initial failure of the self-help, incremental housing approach internationally, it
has recently been revived as a way of addressing housing backlogs in developing countries …
has recently been revived as a way of addressing housing backlogs in developing countries …
[图书][B] Informal transactions of low income houses in South Africa: a case study of eThekwini Municipality
S Mbatha - 2022 - books.google.com
Through a series of intricate informal processes and human-centric institutional
arrangements, beneficiaries of South African government-subsidized housing force formally …
arrangements, beneficiaries of South African government-subsidized housing force formally …
Planning and Sustainable Development of Low Income Human Settlements in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
S Khan, M Wallis - Journal of Human Ecology, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Integrated Development Planning (IDP) is one of the key tools used by the South
African Government to deal with its developmental role in the post-apartheid era. In contrast …
African Government to deal with its developmental role in the post-apartheid era. In contrast …
Transition from shacks to formal human settlements–Social cohesion in Mt Moriah in the metropolitan area of Durban, South Africa
S Khan - African Sociological Review/Revue Africaine de …, 2019 - ajol.info
The transition from shack to formal human settlements can be very traumatic. It means
abandoning old habits, lifestyles, relationships and forming new ones. The extent to which …
abandoning old habits, lifestyles, relationships and forming new ones. The extent to which …
Informal Transactions of Low Income Houses in South Africa
S Mbatha - Informal Transactions of Low Income Houses in South … - degruyter.com
Habitat-International is a publication series of the department of International Urbanism
(Städtebau-Institut) at the faculty of architecture and planning at University of Stuttgart. The …
(Städtebau-Institut) at the faculty of architecture and planning at University of Stuttgart. The …
[PDF][PDF] Delen ant SR
N Kumar, S Moghe - researchgate.net
This paper explores whether current South African housing policy facilitates the potential of
subsidised housing to become housing assets for its recipients. Due to apartheid policies …
subsidised housing to become housing assets for its recipients. Due to apartheid policies …