[HTML][HTML] Theorizing the Triple Helix model: Past, present, and future
Y Cai, H Etzkowitz - Triple Helix, 2020 - brill.com
Abstract The Triple Helix of university-industry-government interactions, highlighting the
enhanced role of the university in the transition from industrial to knowledge-based society …
enhanced role of the university in the transition from industrial to knowledge-based society …
A roadmap for innovation capacity in developing countries
S Novillo-Villegas, R Ayala-Andrade, JP Lopez-Cox… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Innovation capacity is a dynamic capacity linked with the achievement of competitive
advantage. Several mechanisms have been proposed to evaluate this capacity. However …
advantage. Several mechanisms have been proposed to evaluate this capacity. However …
International research collaboration in Africa: A bibliometric and thematic analysis
ES Vieira - Scientometrics, 2022 - Springer
It is widely recognised that science in Africa will benefit from international research
collaboration (IRC), and therefore studies have been done on IRC in Africa (hereafter: Africa …
collaboration (IRC), and therefore studies have been done on IRC in Africa (hereafter: Africa …
The Pathway towards Triple Helix: Technology Development Evaluation in Ethiopian Science & Technology Universities
MB Liche, AB Střelcová - Triple Helix, 2023 - brill.com
In 2015, the Ethiopian government established two Science and Technology (S&T)
universities with the objective to boost university-industry collaboration. Although both Addis …
universities with the objective to boost university-industry collaboration. Although both Addis …
Tránsito de universidad docente a universidad de investigación. ¿ Un problema de información académica, de taxonomías o de rankings universitarios?
A Bustos-González - Profesional de …, 2019 - revista.profesionaldelainformacion …
El objetivo de este artículo es generar una discusión en torno a cómo diferenciar
universidades de investigación, universidades docentes que hacen investigación y …
universidades de investigación, universidades docentes que hacen investigación y …
Sustaining the Path for Innovation Capability from a Developing Country Perspective: A Conceptual Framework
S Novillo-Villegas, P Acosta-Vargas, C Cruz-Boada… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Innovation capability contributes to the competitiveness of a country. However, due to the
multi-faceted nature of this dynamic capability, its development is considered a risky task …
multi-faceted nature of this dynamic capability, its development is considered a risky task …
The national innovation system in a catching-up country: Empirical evidence based on micro data of a Triple Helix in Poland
Research background: There are two main directions for the research of the national
innovation system (NIS): the international comparison of macro data from national statistic …
innovation system (NIS): the international comparison of macro data from national statistic …
Panorama das patentes depositadas no Brasil: uma análise a partir dos maiores depositantes de patentes na base Derwent Innovations Index
AMM Moura, RF Gabriel Junior… - … SP. Vol. 13, n. 2 (2019 …, 2019 - lume.ufrgs.br
Os documentos de patentes configuram importantes fontes de informação, além de sua
relevância industrial e econômica. O presente estudo analisa o depósito de patentes no …
relevância industrial e econômica. O presente estudo analisa o depósito de patentes no …
[图书][B] Innovation for development in Africa
JS Jauhiainen, L Hooli - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This book uncovers the many ways in which innovations and innovation system
development policies have become crucial to development policy formation across Africa …
development policies have become crucial to development policy formation across Africa …
Modelling the triple helix system innovation of the main economies from Latin America: a coalitional game theory approach
MAO Acuña, AT de Almeida Filho, FS Ramos - Scientometrics, 2024 - Springer
This paper investigates the individual and collective scientific contributions carried out by the
Triple Helix (University, Industry, and Government) in the areas that are considered of …
Triple Helix (University, Industry, and Government) in the areas that are considered of …