Pesto: Pitch estimation with self-supervised transposition-equivariant objective
In this paper, we address the problem of pitch estimation using Self Supervised Learning
(SSL). The SSL paradigm we use is equivariance to pitch transposition, which enables our …
(SSL). The SSL paradigm we use is equivariance to pitch transposition, which enables our …
DisMix: Disentangling Mixtures of Musical Instruments for Source-level Pitch and Timbre Manipulation
Existing work on pitch and timbre disentanglement has been mostly focused on single-
instrument music audio, excluding the cases where multiple instruments are presented. To …
instrument music audio, excluding the cases where multiple instruments are presented. To …
Disentangling Multi-instrument Music Audio for Source-level Pitch and Timbre Manipulation
Disentangling pitch and timbre from the audio of a musical instrument involves encoding
these two attributes as separate latent representations, allowing the synthesis of instrument …
these two attributes as separate latent representations, allowing the synthesis of instrument …
Unsupervised Pitch-Timbre Disentanglement of Musical Instruments Using a Jacobian Disentangled Sequential Autoencoder
Disentangled representation learning seeks to align individual dimensions or separate
groups of coordinates of latent factors with attributes of observed data such that perturbing …
groups of coordinates of latent factors with attributes of observed data such that perturbing …