Asas photometry of rosat sources i. periodic variable stars coincident with bright sources from rosat all sky survey

M Kiraga - arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.3825, 2012 -
Photometric data from the ASAS-South (declination less than 29 deg) survey have been
used for identification of bright stars located near the sources from the ROSAT All Sky …

PZ Mon—an RS CVn binary with synchronous rotation and minimum mass ratio

YV Pakhomov, NA Gorynya - Astronomy Letters, 2015 - Springer
The radial velocities of the active red giant PZ Mon are analyzed. We have determined the
parameters of the radial velocity curve: the center-of-mass radial velocity 25.5±0.3 km s− 1 …

PZ MON-двойная типа RS CVn с синхронным вращением и минимальным отношением масс

ЮВ Пахомов, НА Горыня - Письма в Астрономический журнал, 2015 -
В работе представлен анализ лучевых скоростей активного красного гиганта PZ Mon.
Мы определили параметры кривой лучевых скоростей: лучевая скорость центра масс …

PZ Mon is a new synchronous binary with low mass ratio

YV Pakhomov, NA Gorynya - arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.04124, 2015 -
Analysis of new radial velocity measurements of the active giant PZ Mon is presented. Only
in 2015 was reported that PZ Mon may be classified as RS CVn giant. At the same time was …