[HTML][HTML] Asymptotic results for coalescent processes without proper frequencies and applications to the two-parameter Poisson–Dirichlet coalescent

M Möhle - Stochastic processes and their applications, 2010 - Elsevier
The class of coalescent processes with simultaneous multiple collisions (Ξ-coalescents)
without proper frequencies is considered. We study the asymptotic behavior of the external …

On the total external length of the Kingman coalescent

S Janson, G Kersting - 2011 - projecteuclid.org
We prove asymptotic normality of the total length of external branches in the Kingman
coalescent. The proof uses an embedded Markov chain, which can be described as follows …

Self-similar scaling limits of non-increasing Markov chains

B Haas, G Miermont - 2011 - projecteuclid.org
We study scaling limits of non-increasing Markov chains with values in the set of non-
negative integers, under the assumption that the large jump events are rare and happen at …

The internal branch lengths of the Kingman coalescent

I Dahmer, G Kersting - 2015 - projecteuclid.org
In the Kingman coalescent tree the length of order r is defined as the sum of the lengths of all
branches that support r leaves. For r=1 these branches are external, while for r\ge2 they are …

[HTML][HTML] Integrated quantile functions: properties and applications

AA Gushchin, DA Borzykh - Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, 2017 - vmsta.org
In this paper we provide a systematic exposition of basic properties of integrated distribution
and quantile functions. We define these transforms in such a way that they characterize any …

[HTML][HTML] On the length of an external branch in the beta-coalescent

JS Dhersin, F Freund, A Siri-Jégousse… - Stochastic Processes and …, 2013 - Elsevier
In this paper, we consider Beta (2− α, α)(with 1< α< 2) and related Λ-coalescents. If T (n)
denotes the length of a randomly chosen external branch of the n-coalescent, we prove the …

Regeneration in random combinatorial structures

AV Gnedin - 2010 - projecteuclid.org
Kingman's theory of partition structures relates, via a natural sampling procedure, finite
partitions to hypothetical infinite populations. Explicit formulas for distributions of such …

Λ-coalescents: a survey

A Gnedin, A Iksanov, A Marynych - Journal of Applied Probability, 2014 - cambridge.org
Λ-coalescents model the evolution of a coalescing system in which any number of
components randomly sampled from the whole may merge into larger blocks. This survey …

On Λ-coalescents with dust component

A Gnedin, A Iksanov, A Marynych - Journal of applied probability, 2011 - cambridge.org
We consider the Λ-coalescent processes with a positive frequency of singleton clusters. The
class in focus covers, for instance, the beta (a, b)-coalescents with a> 1. We show that some …

A representation of exchangeable hierarchies by sampling from random real trees

N Forman, C Haulk, J Pitman - Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2018 - Springer
A hierarchy on a set S, also called a total partition of S, is a collection HH of subsets of S
such that S ∈ HS∈ H, each singleton subset of S belongs to HH, and if A, B ∈ HA, B∈ H …