A systematic literature review of sustainable purchasing and supply research: Theoretical perspectives and opportunities for IMP-based research
This paper evaluates and compares the theoretical lenses that underpin sustainable
purchasing and supply management research. In particular, our interest is on evaluating the …
purchasing and supply management research. In particular, our interest is on evaluating the …
Supply chain management during and post-COVID-19 pandemic: Mitigation strategies and practical lessons learned
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected global supply chains at an unprecedented speed and
scale. This paper investigates the supply chain challenges that manufacturing organizations …
scale. This paper investigates the supply chain challenges that manufacturing organizations …
The impact of sustainable public procurement on supplier management—The case of French public hospitals
G Oruezabala, JC Rico - Industrial Marketing Management, 2012 - Elsevier
In the public sector, procurement managers are now required to comply with new
sustainable regulations and to look for suppliers able to provide a sustainable offering …
sustainable regulations and to look for suppliers able to provide a sustainable offering …
“Vertical coopetition”: The key account perspective
S Lacoste - Industrial Marketing Management, 2012 - Elsevier
Why do key accounts combine opposing types of relationship with their suppliers? The
author has chosen to term this new hybrid form of supplier relationship management, which …
author has chosen to term this new hybrid form of supplier relationship management, which …
Co-evolution of trust and dependence in customer–supplier relationships
T Laaksonen, K Pajunen, HI Kulmala - Industrial Marketing Management, 2008 - Elsevier
The relational and dynamic aspects of interfirm trust and dependence produce a crucial, but
insufficiently addressed, challenge for successful relationship coordination. In this paper we …
insufficiently addressed, challenge for successful relationship coordination. In this paper we …
Good faith and the ubiquity of the 'relational'contract
D Campbell - The Modern Law Review, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The judgment of L eggatt J in Y am S eng Pte Ltd v International Trade Corporation Ltd
shows the common belief that the E nglish law of contract does not have a doctrine of good …
shows the common belief that the E nglish law of contract does not have a doctrine of good …
Joint venture stability and cooperation: Direct, indirect and contingent effects of resource complementarity and trust
Despite the increased use of JVs and other forms of alliances, research shows that most
collaborative arrangements end in failure due to relationship and resource sharing …
collaborative arrangements end in failure due to relationship and resource sharing …
The choice of contract duration in franchising networks: A transaction cost and resource-based view
N Gorovaia, J Windsperger - Industrial Marketing Management, 2018 - Elsevier
Contract duration as component of contract design has both a transaction cost savings
function by mitigating exchange hazards and a strategic value creation function by …
function by mitigating exchange hazards and a strategic value creation function by …
Exploring the venture capitalist–entrepreneur relationship: evidence from India
S Panda, S Dash - Journal of Small Business and Enterprise …, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose–Maintaining cooperation and avoiding opportunism is essential for a healthy
venture capitalist (VC)–entrepreneur relationship. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to …
venture capitalist (VC)–entrepreneur relationship. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to …
[HTML][HTML] How distance influences contractual governance in buyer-seller relationships
This paper investigates how psychological and geographical distance influence contractual
governance in exchange relationships. Drawing on multiple data sources, we find that both …
governance in exchange relationships. Drawing on multiple data sources, we find that both …