Exploring Parent-Child Traits and Relationship Quality: A Network Study
Big five and dark triad personality traits are likely to influence the perceived quality of the
parent-child relationship, as they can impact the behavior of family members and parenting …
parent-child relationship, as they can impact the behavior of family members and parenting …
The Associations Between Closeness to Residential Mother and Father During Adolescence and Young Adult Depressive Symptoms and the Corresponding …
MKQ Farley - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Past research has suggested that adolescent parent-child relationships may have an impact
on adolescent and young adult mental health. However, there are gaps in the previous …
on adolescent and young adult mental health. However, there are gaps in the previous …
The Experience of Bonding Among Afro-Caribbean Fathers and Their Children: A Generic Qualitative Study
K Antoine - 2023 - search.proquest.com
This qualitative research study explored the experiences of bonding among Afro-Caribbean
millennial fathers and their children. The study can offer data that are informative to …
millennial fathers and their children. The study can offer data that are informative to …
An exploration of building up the quality of parent‐child relationship in residential childcare in Macao.
ONR Leong, SW Liu - Asian Social Work & Policy Review, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
Another suggestion for the childcare system is that policymakers and childcare workers
should discuss the short-term and long-term goals of the system, implement assessments for …
should discuss the short-term and long-term goals of the system, implement assessments for …
“Why Did I Dropout?”: A Mixed-Methods Study on Parenting Styles and High School Dropouts
JN Smorto - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Throughout their lives, students who drop out of high school are likely to experience
numerous unfavorable outcomes related to leaving school, including financial hardships …
numerous unfavorable outcomes related to leaving school, including financial hardships …
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ibu rumah tangga (IRT) penuh waktu di Indonesia sering
mengalami parental burnout akibat rutinitas yang berulang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah …
mengalami parental burnout akibat rutinitas yang berulang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah …
[PDF][PDF] Kasvatustieteen maisterina ehkäisevässä lastensuojelussa: Ehkäisevän lastensuojelun alalle työllistyneiden kasvatustieteen maistereiden asiantuntijuuden ja …
K Sihvonen - 2020 - erepo.uef.fi
Kasvatustieteen maisteri on tyypillisesti generalistinen tutkinto eli siitä ei valmistuta tiettyyn
ammattiin tai tarkasti rajattuihin työtehtäviin. Työllistymismahdollisuudet ovat laajat ja …
ammattiin tai tarkasti rajattuihin työtehtäviin. Työllistymismahdollisuudet ovat laajat ja …