From recognition to integration: Indigenous autonomy, state authority, and national identity in the Philippines

N McMurry - American Political Science Review, 2022 -
How does the recognition of collective self-governance rights for indigenous communities
affect national unity and state consolidation? In recent decades, many states have …

Indigenous Community Recognition, Identity, and Democracy: Evidence from Peru

M Albertus - Identity, and Democracy: Evidence from Peru (May 19 …, 2023 -
The collective recognition of indigenous claims to land and traditional authority have
advanced rapidly in recent decades in many countries. How do these processes impact …

Recognition as integration: Indigenous rights and national citizenship in the Philippines

N McMurry - 2019 -
How does the granting of collective self-determination rights to indigenous communities
affect national identity and integration into the state? In recent decades, many states have …

From recognition to representation: collective rights and democratic citizenship in the Philippines

NNKS McMurry - 2020 -
Rather than weakening states and undermining democratic accountability, I argue that given
underlying conditions of state weakness, collective recognition can encourage the …