[PDF][PDF] Detection and Classifying of Chili Fruits Variations using YOLOv5

MF Ibrahim, MS Zainudin, MI Idris, WM Saad… - KZYJC, 2023 - researchgate.net
In agricultural industry, autonomous robots have been adopted to reduce labor-intensive
tasks. In a context of traditional chili fruit harvesting, the process often requires a significant …

Digitalization of SCM in the Agriculture Industry

D Das, A Roy, A Chaudhuri, S Tripathy… - … Methods for Agri …, 2024 - igi-global.com
The study examines the impact of digitization on traditional agri-food supply chains, focusing
on the utilization of Industry 4.0 and the internet of things (IoT). Precision agriculture …

Real-time detection and classification of fish in underwater environment using YOLOv5: a comparative study of deep learning architectures

R Multajam, AFM Ayob, WS Sanjaya… - … w Gospodarce i …, 2024 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
This article explores techniques for the detection and classification of fish as an integral part
of underwater environmental monitoring systems. Employing an innovative approach, the …

Sistem Klasifikasi Tingkat Kematangan Buah Cabai Katokkon Berdasarkan Fitur Warna LAB Menggunakan Artificial Neural Network Backpropagation

AB Kaswar, F Adiba, DD Andayani - Journal of Embedded …, 2023 - journal.unm.ac.id
Cabai merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura yang memiliki nilai ekonomi dan
budaya yang sangat signifikan di Indonesia. Salah satu jenis cabai yang unik namun …

Implementación de automatización de procesos para disminuir los costos operativos en una empresa de servicios informáticos, Lima-2023

AU Ali Darwish Maurtua - 2024 - repositorio.usil.edu.pe
El presente trabajo de investigación manifiesta que la implementación de automatización
de procesos logra disminuir los costos operativos en una empresa de servicios informáticos …

Klasifikasi kualitas jeruk lokal menggunakan metode neural network

J Abdillah - 2024 - etheses.uin-malang.ac.id
Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin, Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas segala limpahan berkah
dan rahmat dalam perjalanan menempuh ilmu studi S1 di Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana …

Design of Virtual Laboratory from sorting machine by color combination using PLC Mitsubishi

AN Aliansyah, NZDL Mulyawati - Jurnal Fokus Elektroda: Energi …, 2024 - elektroda.uho.ac.id
The aim of this research is to design a sorting machine based on color classification in
virtual laboratory. Factory I/O software was used to model the process of sorting machine …

[PDF][PDF] AI-based sorting System

A Abdal, A Al-Daleh, N Al-Kandari, M Al-Dukhi - 2023 - dspace.auk.edu.kw
• Copyright in text of this project report rests with the student authors. Copies (by any
process) either in full, or of extracts, may be made only in accordance with instructions given …