Effects of news frames on perceived risk, emotions, and learning

C Otieno, H Spada, A Renkl - PloS one, 2013 - journals.plos.org
The media play a key role in forming opinions by influencing people´ s understanding and
perception of a topic. People gather information about topics of interest from the internet and …

The use of identity-related frames in electoral pledges and its effects on Euroscepticism in France and Germany

N Bogado, E Bytzek, MC Steffens - European Union Politics, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
National identification strength is a key Euroscepticism driver. We examine how politicians'
framing of immigration policies increases the salience of different national identity …

[PDF][PDF] A abordagem midiática sobre o esporte paralímpico: o ponto de vista de atletas brasileiros

RFR Marques, GL Gutierrez, MAB de Almeida… - Movimento, 2014 - redalyc.org
O esporte paralímpico encontra-se em processo de afirmação social e econômica e tem na
mídia a principal ferramenta de divulgação de seus ideais e produtos. Baseado em …

The effects of reader comments on the perception of personalized scandals: Exploring the roles of comment valence and commenters' social status

C Von Sikorski - International Journal of Communication, 2016 - ijoc.org
Reader comments posted below online news articles may affect a reader's issue perception.
However, it remains unknown how people are influenced by commenters' social status …

[HTML][HTML] A abordagem mediática sobre o desporto paralímpico: perspetivas de atletas portugueses

RFR Marques, S Marivoet, MAB Almeida, GL Gutierrez… - Motricidade, 2015 - scielo.pt
RESUMO O desporto paralímpico encontra-se em processo de afirmação como fenómeno
de espetacularização, tendo nos média uma ferramenta de divulgação dos seus ideais e …

Factors influencing the strategic frame-building of para-athletes in Japan from the public relations perspective

H Shioume, N Ito - H-ermes. Journal of Communication, 2022 - siba-ese.unisalento.it
Framing is used for strategic communication as a rhetorical tool by including and excluding
certain elements to generate effective media messages to gain particular social attitudes …

[PDF][PDF] Impacto actitudinal y canalización cognitiva de estereotipos sobre la inmigración a través de las noticias

JJ Igartúa - Revista Latina de comunicación social, 2013 - redalyc.org
Introducción. Tomando como base la investigación sobre el efecto framing y la investigación
sobre el tratamiento de la inmigración, se analizan los procesos de recepción e impacto de …

[PDF][PDF] Stigmatisierung und Entstigmatisierung von Menschen mit Behinderungen: Einfluss unterschiedlicher medialer Darstellungen auf Einstellungen und …

A Röhm - 2017 - core.ac.uk
Stigmatisierungen führen für Menschen mit Behinderungen zu eingeschränkter Teilhabe am
gesellschaftlichen Leben. Insbesondere Massenmedien tragen zu Einstellungen über diese …

The Representation of People With Disabilities in an Official Newspaper in China: A Longitudinal Study of the People's Daily From 2003 to 2013

W Ye, GA Zeldes - Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Examining 788 news articles in the People's Daily from 2003 to 2013, this study explores
basic trends in the representation of people with disabilities in an official newspaper in …

Framing and journalism

C von Sikorski, J Matthes - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of …, 2020 - oxfordre.com
As one of the most popular concepts in current research on journalism and mass
communication, framing refers to the idea that actors like strategic communicators …