In search of complementary assets: The determinants of alliance formation of high-tech start-ups

MG Colombo, L Grilli, E Piva - Research policy, 2006 - Elsevier
Why do new technology-based firms (NTBFs) cooperate? Starting from Teece's [Teece, DJ,
1986. Profiting from technological innovation: implications for integration, collaboration …

Funding gaps? Access to bank loans by high-tech start-ups

MG Colombo, L Grilli - Small Business Economics, 2007 - Springer
This paper aims to shed new light on start-up financing of new technology-based firms
(NTBFs) and the existence of credit constraints that may negatively affect their activity. For …

Entrepreneurs' human capital and the start-up size of new technology-based firms

MG Colombo, M Delmastro, L Grilli - International journal of industrial …, 2004 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the determinants of the start-up size of new technology-based firms.
While previous empirical studies generally focussed on industry-specific variables, we draw …

Is CEO duality always negative? An exploration of CEO duality and ownership structure in the Arab IPO context

S Chahine, NS Tohmé - Corporate Governance: An …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT Manuscript type: Empirical Research Question/Issue: This paper examines the
relationships between initial public offering (IPO) underpricing, CEO duality, and strategic …

Signaling in the market for security tokens

J Kreppmeier, R Laschinger - Journal of Business Economics, 2023 - Springer
Security token offerings (STOs) are a new means for ventures to raise funding, where digital
tokens are issued as regulated investment products on the blockchain. We study market …

Start-up size: The role of external financing

MG Colombo, L Grilli - Economics Letters, 2005 - Elsevier
We investigate the role of external financing in influencing firms' start-up size. The
econometric estimates run on a sample of Italian young firms operating in high-tech …

The creation of a middle‐management level by entrepreneurial ventures: Testing economic theories of organizational design

MG Colombo, L Grilli - Journal of Economics & Management …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Why do some entrepreneurial ventures rapidly switch from flat organizations composed of
owner‐managers and line workers to deeper organizations that also include a middle …

Underpricing versus gross spread: New evidence on the effect of sold shares at the time of IPOs

S Chahine - Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper sheds light on the impact of initial owners' decisions to reduce underpricing at the
time of initial public offerings (IPOs). Using a sample of 172 French IPOs, empirical findings …

Venture capital, ownership structure, accounting standards and IPO underpricing: Evidence from Germany

JA Elston, JJ Yang - Journal of Economics and Business, 2010 - Elsevier
This study investigates the impact of venture capital (VC), ownership structure, and
accounting standards on initial public offering (IPO) underpricing in Germany. Using data …

The dynamics of going public

MC Bustamante - Review of Finance, 2012 -
This paper develops a real options model in which firms may use the timing of their initial
public offerings (IPOs) to signal the quality of their investment prospects to outside investors …