Open string QED meson description of the X17 particle and dark matter

CY Wong - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020 - Springer
As a quark and an antiquark cannot be isolated, the intrinsic motion of a
composite\(q\overline {q}\) system in its lowest-energy states lies predominantly in 1+ 1 …

Anomalous soft photons in hadron production

CY Wong - Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics, 2010 - APS
Anomalous soft photons in excess of what is expected from electromagnetic bremsstrahlung
have been observed in association with the production of hadrons, mostly mesons, in high …

On the question of quark confinement in the Abelian U(1) QED gauge interaction

CY Wong - Frontiers of Physics, 2023 - Springer
If we approximate light quarks as massless and apply the Schwinger confinement
mechanism to light quarks, we will reach the conclusion that a light quark q and its antiquark …

Spontaneous symmetry breaking and optimization of functional renormalization group

I Nándori, IG Márián, V Bacsó - Physical Review D, 2014 - APS
The requirement for the absence of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the d= 1 dimension
has been used to optimize the regulator dependence of functional renormalization group …

Automatic fine-tuning in the two-flavor Schwinger model

H Georgi - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
I discuss the two-flavor Schwinger model both without and with fermion masses. I argue that
the phenomenon of “conformal coalescence,” in unparticle physics in which linear …

On the stability of the open-string QED neutron and dark matter

CY Wong - The European Physical Journal A, 2022 - Springer
We study the stability of a hypothetical QED neutron, which consists of a color-singlet system
of two d quarks and au quark interacting with the QED interaction. As a quark cannot be …

Comparison of renormalization group schemes for sine-Gordon-type models

I Nándori, S Nagy, K Sailer, A Trombettoni - Physical Review D—Particles …, 2009 - APS
The scheme dependence of the renormalization group (RG) flow has been investigated in
the local potential approximation for two-dimensional periodic, sine-Gordon type field …

Bosonization and functional renormalization group approach in the framework of

I Nándori - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and …, 2011 - APS
Known results on two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED 2) have been used to
study the dependence of functional renormalization group equations on renormalization …

The numerically optimized regulator and the functional renormalization group

IG Márián, UD Jentschura… - Journal of Physics G …, 2014 -
We aim to optimize the functional form of the compactly supported smooth (CSS) regulator
within the functional renormalization group (RG), in the framework of bosonized two …

QED Meson Description of the Anomalous Particles at∼ 17 and∼ 38 MeV

CY Wong - Universe, 2024 -
The Schwinger confinement mechanism stipulates that a massless fermion and a massless
antifermion are confined as a massive boson when they interact in the Abelian QED …