Magnetic nanoparticles in cancer therapy and diagnosis
There is urgency for the development of nanomaterials that can meet emerging biomedical
needs. Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) offer high magnetic moments and surface‐area‐to …
needs. Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) offer high magnetic moments and surface‐area‐to …
[HTML][HTML] Accuracy of Raman spectroscopy in differentiating brain tumor from normal brain tissue
Raman spectroscopy could be applied to distinguish tumor from normal tissues. This meta-
analysis was conducted to assess the accuracy of Raman spectroscopy in differentiating …
analysis was conducted to assess the accuracy of Raman spectroscopy in differentiating …
Optical biopsy identification and grading of gliomas using label-free visible resonance Raman spectroscopy
Glioma is one of the most refractory types of brain tumor. Accurate tumor boundary
identification and complete resection of the tumor are essential for glioma removal during …
identification and complete resection of the tumor are essential for glioma removal during …
Human brain cancer studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy
The resonance Raman (RR) spectra of six types of human brain tissues are examined using
a confocal micro-Raman system with 532-nm excitation in vitro. Forty-three RR spectra from …
a confocal micro-Raman system with 532-nm excitation in vitro. Forty-three RR spectra from …
[HTML][HTML] Invited Article: Molecular biomarkers characterization for human brain glioma grading using visible resonance Raman spectroscopy
The accurate identification of the human brain tumor boundary and the complete resection of
the tumor are two essential factors for the removal of the glioma tumor in brain surgery. We …
the tumor are two essential factors for the removal of the glioma tumor in brain surgery. We …
Neuroxai++: An efficient x-ai intensive brain cancer detection and localization
Brain cancer detection and localization based on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (X-AI)
technology have the potential to be a valuable tool for the accurate and efficient diagnosis of …
technology have the potential to be a valuable tool for the accurate and efficient diagnosis of …
An outlier detection algorithm based on segmentation and pruning of competitive network for glioma identification using Raman spectroscopy
Z Zhang, Y Zhou, Q Li - Analytical Methods, 2023 -
Raman spectroscopy is a promising diagnostic tool for brain gliomas, owing to its non-
invasive and high information density properties. However, identifying patterns in glioma …
invasive and high information density properties. However, identifying patterns in glioma …
Visible resonance Raman spectroscopy in human brain tissues
This chapter first reviews the research and applications of nonresonance and resonance
Raman spectroscopy for analysis of human brain normal and abnormal tissues. Next …
Raman spectroscopy for analysis of human brain normal and abnormal tissues. Next …
Evaluation of Raman spectra of human brain tumor tissue using the learning vector quantization neural network
T Liu, C Chen, X Shi, C Liu - Laser Physics, 2016 -
The Raman spectra of tissue of 20 brain tumor patients was recorded using a confocal
microlaser Raman spectroscope with 785 nm excitation in vitro. A total of 133 spectra were …
microlaser Raman spectroscope with 785 nm excitation in vitro. A total of 133 spectra were …
Gambaran CT-scan neoplasma intrakranial di Bagian/SMF Radiologi FK Unsrat RSUP Prof. Dr. RD Kandou Manado periode Oktober 2014-September 2015
M Dewi, E Loho, VN Tubagus - e-CliniC, 2016 -
Otak merupakan organ vital yang berperan sangat penting bagi tubuh. Salah satu penyakit
yang banyak menyerang otak ialah tumor otak. Modalitas radiologi yang penting dalam …
yang banyak menyerang otak ialah tumor otak. Modalitas radiologi yang penting dalam …