
张殿玉 - 外语教学, 2005 - cqvip.com
在大学英语对学生的语言能力提出了更高要求的环境下, 传统的, 单一的, 以教师为中心的语言
学习模式被教师引导的, 学生积极参与的课堂教学和课外机辅自主式学习的复合型学习模式所 …


张彦君 - 外语界, 2004 - cqvip.com
外语教学的成功与否不只是一个教的问题, 在很大程度上取决于学生的学习态度和方法,
本文采用课堂上的“元认知策略训练” 和课后的“签署学习者合约” 相结合的方法 …

[图书][B] Motivating language learners

GN Chambers - 1999 - books.google.com
This book is informed by pupils' perceptions of the foreign language learning experience:
attitudes brought from primary school; from home; visits abroad; the classroom. What are the …

[PDF][PDF] Autonomy in language learning

P Benson - 2001 - Citeseer
To me autonomy is about people taking more control over their lives-individually and
collectively. Autonomy in learning is about people taking more control over their learning in …


陈晓湘, 张昔阳 - 西安外国语学院学报, 2003 - cqvip.com
自主学习的研究是近20 年来英美国家应用语言学界研究的一个热门话题.
本文分析了自主学习的功能系统, 文化适宜性等, 同时, 通过问卷调查方式, 对英语专业师生自主 …

EFL Students' Attitudes towards Learner Autonomy in English Vocabulary Learning.

TQ Tran - English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 2020 - ERIC
Whether EFL learners can use English well or not depends much on vocabulary they
possess. Learner autonomy (LA), however, plays a pivotal role in amassing EFL learners' …


李明 - 西安外国语学院学报, 2001 - cqvip.com
浅谈英语教学中如何培养学习者自主性-[维普官方网站]-www.cqvip.com-维普网  我的维普
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Developing a blended learning model in an EFL class

Z Sun, X Qiu - International Journal of Continuing …, 2017 - inderscienceonline.com
The application of blended learning approach in foreign language teaching has become
quite prevalent in language classes worldwide. As opposed to pure e-learning which …

[PDF][PDF] Realizing learner autonomy in Pakistan: EFL teachers' beliefs about their practices

M Yasmin, A Sohail - International Journal of English Linguistics, 2017 - researchgate.net
Learner autonomy (LA) has been a key area of interest in foreign language learning and
teaching for more than three decades, but a limited space has been awarded to the …


郭丽 - 外语电化教学, 2000 - cqvip.com
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