Tanfîdz Al-Mubârazah at-Tamtsîliyyah li al-Fariq li Ta'lîm Mâddah an-Nahwiy

LAA Ramli, M Muassomah… - International …, 2023 - e-journal.ejournal.metrouniv.ac.id
The progress of education in a country is influenced by the quality of teachers and needs to
be more creative and innovative in choosing appropriate teaching methods so that the …

Tāthwir Kurrosāh āt-Tādribāt āl-Iliktruniyāh bii Wāsilāh Wārāqāh āl-'Amāl āl-Mubāsyiroh li Thullāb ās-Shāf ās-Sābi'fii Mādrosāh āts-Tsānāwiyāh

LR Harahap, M Taufiq, Z Herni - Mantiqu Tayr …, 2024 - journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id
Students experience difficulties in understanding the rules of Arabic lessons, this is caused
by the lack of supporting teaching materials used by teachers in learning. The aim of the …

Arabic Learning Media Design Based on the MIT App Inventor Application

S Novita - … : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, 2024 - ejournal.uiidalwa.ac.id
One of the supports for effective communication is the use of learning media. However,
currently we don't find many interactive Arabic language learning media that are developed …