Implementasi fungsi-fungsi manajemen dalam lembaga pendidikan islam (studi kasus pengelolaan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Islahul Muta'allim Pagutan)
F Maujud - Jurnal Penelitian Keislaman, 2018 -
Keberhasilan lembaga pendidikan Islam (madrasah) dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan
sangat ditentukan oleh kemampuannya dalam mengimplementasikan fungsi-fungsi …
sangat ditentukan oleh kemampuannya dalam mengimplementasikan fungsi-fungsi …
[PDF][PDF] The World Challenge of Islamic Education Toward Human Resources Development
1 Universitas Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo; 2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo; 3
Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Surabaya 1 riza. ashari@ unida. gontor. ac. id; 2 …
Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Surabaya 1 riza. ashari@ unida. gontor. ac. id; 2 …
Kedudukan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Pendidikan Islam di Era Globalisasi
It is undeniable that the competition between Islamic educational institutions in globalization
era is getting stronger and sharper, not only companies that compete, in the world of …
era is getting stronger and sharper, not only companies that compete, in the world of …
Prolematika Pengelolaan Pendidikan Islam Non-Formal Pada Komunitas Muslim
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan prolematika pengelolaan pendidikan Islam non-
formal pada komunitas Muslim, khususnya TPQ Nurul Taqwa Sea di Desa Sea, Kecamatan …
formal pada komunitas Muslim, khususnya TPQ Nurul Taqwa Sea di Desa Sea, Kecamatan …
Educational Challenges to Human Resource Development in Islamic Education Institutions
One of the important resources in management is human resources (HR) or human
resources. The importance of human resources needs to be realized by all levels of …
resources. The importance of human resources needs to be realized by all levels of …
Manajemen peserta didik untuk meningkatkan prestasi siswa pada Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Pacitan
W Suminar - Muslim Heritage, 2017 -
The researcher is intended to reveal (1) the implementation of the service, guidance, and
control of student management in enhancing students’ achievement and (2) the …
control of student management in enhancing students’ achievement and (2) the …
Peran Kepala Sekolah Dalam Mengembangkan Mutu Budaya Organisasi
ZMA Mohammady - Muslim Heritage, 2017 -
In the context of Indonesia, the quality of education seems to be something taboo to talk
about, however, according to researchers the quality of education in Indonesia is very …
about, however, according to researchers the quality of education in Indonesia is very …
[图书][B] Pribadi Insani: Manajemen Pengembangan Mutu SDM Berbasis Modal Spiritual
A Qohin - 2022 -
Kajian dan perbincangan tentang modal spiritual saat ini mempunyai tempat tersendiri, baik
di Timur maupun di Barat. Bahkan akademisi-akademisi di dunia Barat yang sekuler tak …
di Timur maupun di Barat. Bahkan akademisi-akademisi di dunia Barat yang sekuler tak …
[PDF][PDF] Developing Professional Teacher to Improve Madrasah Student Character
M Komarudin - Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2021 -
This study was aimed at investigating the research and development (R&D) model applied
to Akidah Akhlak subject teachers in strengthening their students' character in madrasah in …
to Akidah Akhlak subject teachers in strengthening their students' character in madrasah in …