Exploring The Potential Of Islamic Financial Instruments In Addressing Economic Challenges: The Role Of Financial Inclusion And Institutional Quality

F Asnaini, D Isnaini, YE Fryanti - International Journal of Economics …, 2023 - agbioforum.org
This study examines the effects of Islamic Venture Capital (IVC), Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah
(ZIS) Distribution, and Sukuk on Indonesia's sustainable economic development …

Role of Institutional Support in Economic Development: Investor Perspective. A Case of Government of Pakistan (GOP) Ijarah Sukuk

U Kashif, AA Sidiqui, H Saad… - Journal of Islamic Finance, 2023 - journals.iium.edu.my
The study aims to investigate the role of Ijarah Sukuk in the economic development of the
Pakistani business environment an initiative taken by the Government of Pakistan (GOP) by …

Sukuk Negara as an Alternative for APBN Financing in Indonesia

R Riswan, A Rustam, LA Razak… - … : Kajian Ekonomi dan …, 2023 - penerbitgoodwood.com
Purpose: In supporting APBN financing, the government always prioritizes non-debt
financing. However, the government also uses debt financing to meet the financing needs of …


M Hary - Sintesa, 2024 - jurnal.untag-sby.ac.id
Tulisan ini hendak membahas strategi komunikasi kebijakan maritim di Indonesia dengan
fokus pada penyebaran informasi kepada pemangku kepentingan. Komunikasi kebijakan …

Maqashid Sharia Perspective and the Opportunity of Blue Sukuk for Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia

D Diana - Proceedings of Femfest International …, 2024 - ejournal.unida.gontor.ac.id
This study aims to examining how Islam can contribute to the protection of the environment
by exploring the maqashid sharia approach. It also investigates the potential of using blue …

Mavi Sukuk: Bir Model Önerisi ve Potansiyeli

M Ela, S Coşkun - Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi - dergipark.org.tr
Mavi ekonomi gerek insan hayatı ve gerekse de ülke ekonomileri için önemli bir yere
sahiptir. Ancak okyanus ve denizlerde ortaya çıkan kirlilik ve diğer problemler mavi …